Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back in Utah

I love the Internet and I've survived a week and a half without it! The kids and I moved back to Utah while Rich finishes his summer job in Florida. I've had a busy week unpacking everything all by my self. But the house is almost completely decorated and organized. I have great compassion for single moms (even more than I did before). Even though I'm not really a single mom and I still get to stay home and not have to go to a job, I feel a little like one with my husband being gone for the next 3 months. I'll survive! I actually feel pretty good about everything I have been able to accomplish this week all on my own in the home. My awesome male neighbors moved all my stuff in and set up the beds for me and that was soooo sweet of them! I really have the best neighbors and I'm happy we moved to a street where we already know almost everyone. My sister in law, Kari, has also been my little life saver! My car is still broken and waiting to be fixed, so Kari has helped me out there. She has also made this week so much fun..we've been hanging out a lot. The best time so far was when we put our kids to bed at 7pm and hired a babysitter to stay with them while we went to Costco and Walmart to buy groceries WITHOUT kids. We love our kids, but don't love to shop with them! It may not seem like fun, but it really was. She makes me laugh and I think it was the best time I've ever had at Walmart! Had to be there. Thanks Kari!! So anyway, we are missing Rich, but learning to temporarily get along without him here. I know it will be a bit challenging at times, but I know it won't kill me! That's all for now. Sorry, no pictures. But just picture two cute boys sitting on an airplane; Julien with a big smile and Jonah with a look of amazement! They really were great on the plane! Thank goodness! All that anxiety for nothing! More later:)!


  1. Props to you for doing the single mom thing for a while, Rich is a lucky guy to have you be so patient! You said it exactly right, its not the easiest thing to be away from your husband but you'll make it, and you can always feel free to vent to someone who understands! :)

  2. 3 MONTHS!! your are amazing. I really don't think I could do it. so what changed, why did you decied to return home sooner then planed? good luck with everything.

  3. how many quarts are in a gallon??

    so that would be... ???

    I'll tell you what's harder than having your husband gone for so long... having him return.

    don't beleive me? Just wait.

  4. Hey this is Deven Perry Wife Alyssa. I love all your pictures~ You guys are so cute! You take the cake for making it through the single mom time period but now I'm sure it's pay back time for Rich. haha...

  5. Hey Nessa! How are things going??? How is Rich? Things are going good here. Last week Zach (Caitlin's husband) did 2 and this week he has sold 13! Anyways, I think about you and your cute family all the time and I know this is a rough patch and not the funnest time for you, but you have such a great positive outlook on changes and new adventures! Rich is really lucky to have such a strong wife like you!
