Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Week of School

I found these little containers of fish candies over at Tai Pan and grabbed them as teacher gifts for the boys to give their teachers.  I saw something similar on Pinterest, and knew I could make a simple label for the front and wa-la, that takes care of that! 

Jonah is becoming more comfortable in front of the camera, can you tell?  He was excited to give his teacher this gift and was super jealous that she was going to get to eat these!
Cooper wanted in on the action too.  I pointed my camera at him and said, "give me a cheezer," and he sure did.  I think this might be one of my favorite pictures of him

 I've mentioned before that I love taking Jonah to the bus stop every day.  I hadn't taken a picture of him getting on the bus yet, so I made sure I did that before the end of the year.  Here is the little cutie waiting for his bus. 

There he goes....

And to my surprise, after getting on, he jumped back down and gave me a big smile.  Thanks, Bud!
Below: The last day of Kindergarten was pajama day; always fun for kids.  Jonah loves posing now.
Julien's last day was a day after Jonah's last day.  I am feeling like I don't have a lot of pictures of Julien these days.  I will have to do a special post on him soon.  I can't believe that my little baby boy is already going to be in 3rd grade next fall.  I'm ready to soak up our time together this summer!

We had a little doughnut (I know, bad mommy!!)  party after school to kick off summer and we wrote out some summer goals. 

They were excited to sleep in the living room that night.  (That's just something they REALLY wanted to do once school was out). 

Cooper didn't sleep out there, but he sure tried! 

So excited that it's summer!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jonah's First Field Trip

I joined Jonah and his class for their end of the year field trip to Staheli Farm.  Mr Staheli happens to be their new principal too!  It was a fun day, and I will apologize now for the picture overload (unless you like that...I always like a picture overload).  There were just too many great shots from that day, and I wish I could post them all, but here are my favs.

This train ride was a real hit and Mr. Staheli drove it...

Class Picture!
Here, they planted seeds inside of wet cotton balls and sealed them up in a plastic glove.  They said in a couple of weeks we would have little plants growing inside if we hung them by a window. 
They all had a chance to pet a chicken and a baby chick. 
Jonah loved looking at the chickens.
He discovered a new love, feeding animals.  I couldn't get him to explore anywhere else, or even join the other kids on the swinging rope, he just loved feeding those animals! 

I love this happy face!
I started dreaming of having a farm while we were there.  It was such a fun place!
This little cutie kept escaping and Jonah thought that was pretty funny.  

Mother's Day

I woke up on Mother's Day to this....
They were super happy to surprise me with these little notes and gifts.  Rich isn't a fan of this pic of himself, but I like it. 
I love Mother's day because I get sweet love letters from all of my boys.   Here are some of them....
If you hadn't guessed, that scribble on the back of the envelope is from Cooper.:)  And Jonah has been whipping up these stenciled pictures like cute!  This note from Julien came from school. 

And then there was a card with a little something in it:) and more precious notes...

They also picked out a cute watch for me that I really like!  Thanks boys!!!  You sure know how to make Mama feel like the luckiest woman on earth!!!

I LOVE being a mom.  It's the best thing ever.  It is hard work and takes more patience than I ever imagined, but it is the most rewarding thing there is.  Not a day goes by that I don't look at my children and my heart skips a beat as I think about what a miracle they are.  Their precious little spirits and personalities (and cute faces) keep me feeling so blessed and filled with joy.  I can't believe how fast it is all going by.  I love each one of my children so much and sure hope they know that!  Man, I'm so blessed!  I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day as well!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

School Programs

We couldn't be happier with how this school year went.  It was a bit crazy for Julien, with him doing 3 months of home school, 3 months in public school in TX, and finished the year off here in St. George public school .  He is so great at adjusting to things; and he was able to meet a lot of people this year.  Jonah was home schooled until we moved here; and finished the year off in public school for his first time.  He did so well!! We are so proud of them both.  We attended their end of the year programs, starting with Jonah's (kindergarten)...
They sang songs and read some of their journals.  It was pretty darn cute.  I love that age.
Jonah's teacher was definitely the right fit for him.  I really liked the way she handled the children and Jonah loved her.

Julien's class (2nd grade) worked on their play for weeks.  He couldn't wait for us to come watch!  It was "The Little Red Hen."  Julien chose to be a narrator so he "didn't have to memorize his lines."  I kind of wish we could have seen him act, but it was still fun to watch.  They did a great job.

My Little Sunshine

Have I mentioned how much I love this kid?  I'm still obsessed with his cuteness.

 I just loved these pictures I took on an ordinary day at home.  He is becoming more and more interested in coloring and writing.

 He is the sweetest little guy and I never stop kissing those cheeks.  In fact, he's on my lap right now, and every 2 seconds I take a break to smell his baby skin and give him a bazillion kisses.  I'm so thankful to be home with him every day!  He really is my little sunshine, even if he does keep his daddy and I up at night.  Love you, Cooper!