Monday, December 27, 2010

The cutest little Santa

When our first son, Julien, was a baby my dad got him this adorable Santa outfit.  It's a 12 month outfit and when Julien wore it he was just 6 months (since that's how old he was that Christmas).  A little big on him, but still so cute.  Jonah and Cooper, however were just the right size for it when their time came.  I have pictures of all my kids wearing this outfit and would love to include them in this post, but I can't due to my scanner being broken (yes baby Julien was before I had a digital camera) and Jonah's pics are on a 3rd party sight that I can't get off unless I order them on c.d.  Anyway, here is Cooper dressed as Santa.  I get a little obsessed with their cuteness when my babies wear this, so sorry there are so many, and trust me, there are way more where these came from.

p.s. No, I don't normally give my baby candy.  The wrapper was actually still on, but once I gave it to him, he broke it in half and was able to get a taste.  Giving him that was the only way I could get him to hold still enough for pictures and to keep his hat on.  He was loving it. 

p.s.s. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day posts are coming soon. 


  1. I totally understand the use of candy for props..and how babies find a way to get a taste and then go crazy for the candy!! That santa outfit is SOOOO cute on Cooper and how special that you have pictures of all 3 boys in it!! If we have all girls I might have them all wear DAisy's Christmas dress at some point just to do a comparison:). Is it blowing you away that your little one is already a year old??

  2. I remember the pics of all the boys in it. Esp. the one of Julien on that little table that dad made him. Love it. These are some of my favorite pics of Coop. I love the candy cane ones!!! Way too precious.

  3. So adorable Vanessa. I love these! I can't wait to meet this little guy! I hope he'll be just as squeezable :)

  4. I agree with Lorisa, these are such fantastic shots of the Cooper dude! How many faces can a kid have! Just love the fact my daughters have these blogs! It sure helps in missing you on a daily basis. Love you!
