Sunday, December 19, 2010


I am happy that my kids still believe in Santa.  Julien who is 6 1/2 still believes so much.  He is so passionate about these things.  Is it just me, or do any of you moms feel guilty, like you are lying to your kids (cause really we are), when they ask questions about Santa?  Julien asks me questions all of the time and I answer then according to the myth of Santa, but I feel guilty.  I don't know why.  I don't know a single kid who ended up resenting their parents after finding out that Santa wasn't real, but still.  Looking back, I am glad my parents "lied" to me about Santa.  Believing in Santa is such a fun part of childhood.  I'm definitely not planning on letting them in on the secret yet, but I do feel a bit guilty at times when I answer their questions about him.  Children are so pure and I love their precious faith!  So even though I feel a bit like a liar, I am still glad to see them use their imaginations and believe, it's priceless!

We went to the mall to visit Santa and Jonah (almost 5 yrs old) took off.  Not too far, we could see him hanging out close by, but that kid wants nothing to do with visiting Santa.  He has no problem receiving gifts from him and really believes in him, but won't go close to him.  I think the whole magic thing just freaks him out!  So here is my favorite picture that I snapped.  I love it!  I just get bummed when I look at it and Jonah is missing.  All of the other years we managed to get Jonah up there, but most of time he was balling or would not look at Santa.  He gets more and more stubborn the older he gets.  That little stinker!  Oh well, maybe next year!  Santa still got him some fun things this year!

Cooper was getting shy and posed like that.  He makes THE CUTEST shy faces, and I'm glad we kind of captured it here.  I hope Jonah will be in the picture next year!

Speaking of Jonah... He did write this note to Santa one day and I thought it was pretty cute!
"Jonah can be on the nice list, Santa."                                                                               

Rich and I are really excited for Christmas morning!  This year we did the shopping together.  Normally I just do it but this year he wanted to join me and I was so excited.  Not only was it a date night, but together we got extra creative with our gifts and are equally excited about what the kids are getting.  I love this stage of life where my kids believe and everything is so exciting and surprising.  It's crazy to think that last Christmas Cooper was just 2 days old.  I was one tired mommy.  I am excited that this year Cooper can join in and tear up the wrapping paper.  Eeeek!  Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest picture ever! I just wish Jonah could have been in it. Love it!
