Thursday, December 23, 2010

My one year old

This little monkey loves to climb.  Everyday we have to take down the ladder to the kid's bunk bed since Cooper can climb all the way to the top by himself. 

Cooper is walking all over the place! 

I can't believe it!  My baby turned one.  We had a little celebration with presents, just at home.  He was so cute opening up his gifts.  He really understood what to do! 
My sister sent him some cute jammies and we got him this little walker/rider thing and the boys got him a book.

I had a video to go with this post, but it's not working.  Maybe later.  And yes, the quality of these pictures are so bad, I don't know what's up with my camera or maybe it's just the terrible lighting in my house.

We celebrated a day early due to Rich's schedule, but anywho, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweet one year old!  Love you more than words could ever express!


  1. Just catching up- can't believe how big your baby is. Does he kind of have red hair or is it just the lighting?

  2. Love his smile with his walker. Happy Birthday big boy.
