Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Christmas Time Again!

I can not believe the holidays are here.  We put up our little tree and decorated the house a few days ago.  There is something so relaxing and exciting about having a Christmas tree lit up all day!  This year we had to put our Christmas tree up on the kitchen bar.  Tacky, I know, but Cooper would be all over it.  It's just his size too, so that thing would never last on the ground.  We will bring it down on Christmas Eve for Santa though. 

Remember this? Well, this year, Carolyn (my dad's girlfriend) bought a gingerbread house kit for the kids! Last year I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through all the trouble, making it from scratch again, so it was nice knowing we could just put this one together so quickly. Making it from scratch took days because of certain steps you have to follow, but I was still surprised how long this one took, being from a kit. I think it took about 3 1/2 hours! That was with interruptions because of the baby, but still. I was toast when it was done!

And on a side note: I keep forgetting to post this but as of last week (2 weeks ago???) Cooper started taking steps! The most he has done is 4 steps. He is getting more and more brave and will often take 2 steps on his own without us encouraging him to. So he just might be walking in a month for his 1st birthday! I really need to get all of his little tricks on video. He says, "mama" and "all done." He can wave goodbye and say all done in sign language as well as say it, "aw-duh aw duh." It's the cutest! He dances to music now too!! He gives high fives!!!  He has been shaking his head, "no," for a while now...he learned that when he tried (still tries too) to take out the grass out of the plant. He loves to shake his head no, it's so cute! And his laugh! I don't know why I'm such a slacker and haven't recorded his giggle! He has always had the cutest giggle, but now he also has a courtesy laugh! Ya know, a laugh just to be nice, kind of a chuckle- it's awesome! His laugh sounds so grown up, like an adult, like he knows exactly what is so funny! We can't get enough of it! He also tries to point to things and talk, just blabbering, but I love it! My little guy is a month shy of being a one year old! It's just crazy! I am cherishing ever moment with him!

If you are in need of ideas of how to bring Christ into Christmas and/or ways to celebrate Christmas all month long, please check out this blog!  Kendra is my old neighbor and she is such an amazing mom.  She homeschools her kids and goes the extra mile in all things.  I just got filled with ideas after reading her blog post that she just put up about "25 days of Christmas." So check it out..she also does giveaways all of the time!


What blew me away this Thanksgiving (besides the awesome food my dad's girlfriend, Carolyn, made), was the fact that just a year ago I was just a month away from delivering Cooper. It doesn't feel like that was a year ago! And this Thanksgiving I have him, he's big,and he is mobile! It's crazy how much can happen in just a year!

Rich, my dad, Julien, and Jonah went golfing here (Rich's work) in the morning. Rich forgot the camera, so no pictures of that, boo:(. They had a great time though!

We joined my dad and Carolyn for linner. We had awesome food that Carolyn worked hard on making. I didn't make much this year, so it tasted that much better. Thank you Carolyn!
Julien decked their house out with Thanksgiving decorations that he made from school. And after dinner Julien played director and had us all do a play. He made us all hats (pilgrims and indians) and wrote scripts for all of us ( he spent about 2 hours after school making it all one day). I wish I had videoed the "practice" rounds! It was so funny! And Julien was cracking us up. Apparently our acting skills weren't up to his expectations and the play wasn't going as he had imagined so he got a little frustrated, but it made us laugh (especially my dad) and that made Julien laugh. It was too cute! He did such a good job with it! I did have a part in it but afterward we played the videos back on my camera and the one Carloyn videoed of my part was cut, so I didn't make it on the video, but I was the Indian Chief and my hat was quite impressive. My dad was the king and the narrator and was really funny! Rich, Carolyn, and Jonah were pilgrims and looked so cute.

Here is part of the play. Sorry about the lighting.  You can see how Julien was saying, "oh this is horrible...!"  And I love my dad's laugh!  He is easily entertained.

By the way, this is just Rich being a dork.  They were actually stopped in this picture, but he was pretending to be going down the slide.  Pretty believable.  He did take Cooper down a few times, but that time I missed the picture so he posed.  lol. 

There was a cold front that came in just minutes after we got to the park so the sky looked really cool in some of these pictures. 

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy to have my camera back!

 If you didn't read the post below, I haven't had a camera in 2 weeks, so yesterday, I got a little carried away. But I'm so glad that I did because some of these are my favorite pictures yet of Cooper.

This one is my absolute favorite (above) because it captures his sweet innocence.  I'm in love with him.

I decided not to choose so I made some collages instead.
I know, you get the point!  He's adorable and I'm a bit obsessed.

Julien and Jonah were off playing and since I can't take my eyes off of Cooper (or he will eat the bark!) I didn't get many of them.  Babies are just so fun to photograph anyway! 
He didn't want me to take any anyway.

10 months

If I really want to be accurate, Cooper is 10 months and 1 week old in these pictures.  I have been devastated over the past two weeks that my camera battery charger was gone.  I spent days tearing apart my house and looked in every possible place!  Finally a few days ago, I found it in my van.  I was SO HAPPY!!  After I charged my camera back up, I found these little gems that I had taken right before the thing went missing. 

And stay tuned...if you haven't already checked them out on Facebook, I am going to post some that I snapped yesterday.  I'll have them up shortly, after I figure out which ones I will post here (hard to choose when you take 100 pics).  Boy, I missed my camera!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My biological clock is ticking

I'm having another birthday.  I'm turning 28 on Thursday but it feels like I've been 28 for about 6 months already because I've kind of been thinking about it a lot.  28!  That's almost 30!  It really makes me a bit sad.  It also makes me a bit happy.  Sad because I'm almost out of my twenties and I feel like once I'm out of my twenties, I will start to age a lot and life will just fly by.  It's probably not completely true and I know a lot of it has to do with how I take care of myself in every way. I think it's just a thought I've always had; I'll blame the media for that.  I'm also a bit happy because now when people ask me how old I am and are looking at my 3 kids, I say my age and they "accept" it.  It took years to get to this point, especially when I wasn't in Utah!  I would get that look like, "oh poor little teenager got pregnant."  I don't get that look as much anymore, and I'm in Texas now.  So I think it means I've aged (I have!) or sometimes I flatter myself and think, "well, maybe I look like I've got it under control;)" (I don't!).  I'm also sad I'm almost 30 because that means my biological clock is a tickin'!  When Rich and I got married, he wanted 10- 12 kids, I wanted 6-8.  We have both always wanted a big family, and it's not because we are "Mormon."  As we had children the numbers went down.  Not because we don't love children but because we are broke and busting out of the seams in our home, and we aren't as good at managing kids+house+health+oh everything, ya know, as we originally thought we would be.  Maybe we just need to increase our faith!  (isn't that always the answer?!).  Now I have just 7 years left (that seems longer when I write it out) to space out having more children.  So now you are thinking, "so they are having more?"  I don't know.  Everyday I look at Cooper and I want more...a lot more.  And everyday, I look at my dishes and my laundry, and feel guilty for losing my cool with my oldest kids and I think, "I better wait a long time before I have another."  But being 28 really puts the pressure on!  I really think this is why this birthday is causing me some anxiety, because I'm just not wanting to be coming up on my "unsafe-to-be-pregnant-years."  I just love being a mom!  I hate that I'm not always the mom I wish I were, but I try my best to improve daily.  It's been the greatest learning experience ever.  Anyway, I should probably spend this next year remembering I am 28 and not 29 or even 30 yet.  I still think I'm way too immature and irresponsible to be this old but am excited about where I am going and who I am becoming (cheesy I know, but hey, I am)! 

Now, because I am on a roll with talking about myself, why stop now?! he.he.he. ha.ha.ha. In honor of turning 28, here are 28 random things about me (not in any order and not necessarily what I consider most important in life (some are though), just random things that my 28 year old self is all about.  It might be fun to later look back and see how I was at this age.

1.) I love being a mom!  I am tired a lot and often need breaks, but I can't stand being away from my kids for long.  I love them so very much! 
2.) I love being married and I have learned so much about myself and my husband and feel that marriage gets better and better if you work hard at it and on yourself.
3.) I have a testimony of my Savior and know that without Him at the center of my life, things fall apart and I have some really ugly weaknesses.  I've learned this the hard way, too many times, and am not claiming to have mastered this, it's just something I know is true and strive towards.
4.) I absolutely hate making dinner.  I hate thinking about what to make for dinner even more.  I dread it daily and I often make things that normal people wouldn't consider a "real complete meal."  I just hate it!!  BUT I have to admit, every time I make dinner for my family I still feel good about myself and it does bring me joy to know I served them.  And when they enjoy it, that is a real treat for me.  Oh but I still hate making dinner!
5.) I have finally reached a point in my life where health means something to me.  I always knew this day would come and it has. It came in a very painful and inconvenient way after Cooper was born and woke me up, and I have since been taking my health seriously and have made some great changes that bring me peace.  I still have a way to go but I'm grateful for the things I am learning and grateful that I finally care a lot more now.
6.) I value sleep.  This is something that has not changed with me.  I love to sleep and it's such a scarcity to me right now.  But as much as I love sleep, I'm still a night owl and can't seem to grow up and just discipline myself and go to bed at a decent time. 
7.) I love to read!  I still don't ever pick up novels.  I just don't have the desire (nothing against them), just interested in too many other books.  I always try to have a book on me if I know I am going to be waiting around, even in the school pick up line.  This is why an iPad is something I dream of having one day. 
8.) I'm fascinated with photography.  I really like to take pictures and then edit them.  I'm not really good at it, but I like doing it.  I still hope to one day have an awesome camera and maybe even take pictures on the side for money, if I ever get good enough.  I love seeing what others are doing with their photography skills.
9.) I am a sucker for reality t.v.  I have realized it's a total weakness.  I get sucked in and addicted.  I have to be so careful what I start watching and lately have succeeded in resisting the temptation to certain shows.  The less I watch it, the less I enjoy it and the more I lose my desire for it, so that is key for me (if it's something not so worthy).  Not saying all of them are bad.  Some of them are inspiring, like "19 Kids and Counting"- love that one.  But I do get hooked easily and have to be careful because a lot of it is trash.
10.) I love interior design and dream of having our own house again.  And in that dream I have money to play with:).  I know my day will  come to decorate and customize a house again!  Meanwhile, if I have a moment I get my fix from HGTV.  I know it's not important, but it is a hobby of mine.
11.) I LOVE me a mango!  Mangos are one of my current favorite foods.  At night when the kids are in bed and Rich is working, I love to just sit and eat a chilled mango.  It's so refreshing!
12.) Something that has come with age (I know I act like I am just sooo old) is an appreciation for certain things such as flowers.  When I first started dating Rich, even years into our marriage, I would tell him around anniversaries and birthdays, etc, not to get me flowers.  I always liked flowers but never wanted to spend the money on them.  I just didn't appreciate them much.  Now, when he brings me flowers I am very appreciative.  Every time I look at them on my table I feel his love and I have a happy feeling and it just feels brighter inside my home.  I still wouldn't want him to buy them too often because of money, but I do appreciate them more now. 
13.) I love to clean but find it to be my biggest challenge now a days.  I do not like to clean with children around.  I like to get on a roll and go to town.  So sometimes I think I hate cleaning, but really, I just don't like doing it with people around.  I want no interruptions.  I find it therapeutic.
14.) Speaking of cleaning.  Yes, I did just say I love to clean, but I do not like doing dishes.  I never have, probably never will.  It's a toss up what I hate more; making dinner or doing dishes.  Although making dinner only brings more dishes...I think that may have a lot to do with not liking dinner.  I have learned that a dirty kitchen usually leads to a messy house, and I love when my kitchen is clean, but i procrastinate big time with dishes. 
15.) Do you ever make mental material wish lists?  I do.  It's probably not a good thing.  But hey, it's just a wish list. So here is mine at 28 years old:  A nice camera, photoshop, an iPad, a dehydrator, a grain mill, water ionizer, a house with a back yard, my own garden, a 3 bedroom home, new bedroom furniture, a laptop, a Honda Odessy, okay, I'm getting carried away....
16.) Exercise....I am not consistent with it.  I blame it on fatigue and not having enough alone time, or my injuries, but those are just excuses.  Mentally, I want to though.  When I do excersise, I most enjoy doing workout videos in my living room, walks outside with the kids, or conditioning at home while listening to music.
17.) Another thing that is coming with age/growth is being more comfortable in social settings.  I'm getting there slowly but surely.  I don't care for big crowds and would still rather be one on one with a close friend than with a group of not so close friends, but I'm making progress.  And we've finally lived here long enough to see some friendships grow deeper. 
18.) I love babies.  I kind of want to have a baby around for the rest of my life!  I can't get enough of my Cooper.  I hope my kids have a ton of kids.  And I hope that when they are older they will want to be around us a lot and bring their babies over.
19.) I love reading books with my older kids.  I also love listening to them read!  It's one of my favorite times of the day!
20.) Getting text messages from Rich are a highlight in my day.  It doesn't happen every day but love them when they come!
21.) I like text messages, period!  I know this world is getting completely impersonal and all, and I agree, but talking on the phone is something I do very little of these days.  I can barely answer my phone and sometimes it takes me days to find the right time to call someone back.  I feel bad about it, but it's so challenging with kids.  Texting, convenient.  Being in person is still the best though.
22.) I am also fascinated with homeschooling.  I am not against public schools.  I just love the concept behind homeschooling.  I was extremely close to homeschooling this year, but decided it wasn't the right time for me or Julien.  I don't know if I ever will home school my kids but I hope it will work out one day for us.  So I'm currently studying homeschooling ideas on the side and it's high on my interest list these days. 
23.) My current wishes are to move back to Utah, visit family, visit old friends, go on a family vacation, and to have my husband land some amazing dream job where our income increases and he can have a normal schedule!
24.) My average bedtime is 12:30-1:00 am.  I know, I'm stretching here, running out of things to say, but this could be something to look back on and see progress least I hope I make progress in this department.

Okay, so I just can't make it to 28.  But that is me at this point in time.  Don't think anyone will actually read that whole thing, but it's alright.  It's for me and my family to look back on.  I've tried to talk about each person on my blog when I mention their birthday, and how they are at that particular age.  So there you have it.  If you actually read that whole thing, to that I say, "Wow!  Thanks for taking the time!"   

Happy Birthday to me!  I hope 28 is a year of growth and maturity and more of the joy I have now!