Friday, November 19, 2010

10 months

If I really want to be accurate, Cooper is 10 months and 1 week old in these pictures.  I have been devastated over the past two weeks that my camera battery charger was gone.  I spent days tearing apart my house and looked in every possible place!  Finally a few days ago, I found it in my van.  I was SO HAPPY!!  After I charged my camera back up, I found these little gems that I had taken right before the thing went missing. 

And stay tuned...if you haven't already checked them out on Facebook, I am going to post some that I snapped yesterday.  I'll have them up shortly, after I figure out which ones I will post here (hard to choose when you take 100 pics).  Boy, I missed my camera!!

1 comment:

  1. He is just way too stinking cute! Love the hat pictures. I just want to smoosh him. So glad that you found your battery.
