Monday, November 29, 2010


What blew me away this Thanksgiving (besides the awesome food my dad's girlfriend, Carolyn, made), was the fact that just a year ago I was just a month away from delivering Cooper. It doesn't feel like that was a year ago! And this Thanksgiving I have him, he's big,and he is mobile! It's crazy how much can happen in just a year!

Rich, my dad, Julien, and Jonah went golfing here (Rich's work) in the morning. Rich forgot the camera, so no pictures of that, boo:(. They had a great time though!

We joined my dad and Carolyn for linner. We had awesome food that Carolyn worked hard on making. I didn't make much this year, so it tasted that much better. Thank you Carolyn!
Julien decked their house out with Thanksgiving decorations that he made from school. And after dinner Julien played director and had us all do a play. He made us all hats (pilgrims and indians) and wrote scripts for all of us ( he spent about 2 hours after school making it all one day). I wish I had videoed the "practice" rounds! It was so funny! And Julien was cracking us up. Apparently our acting skills weren't up to his expectations and the play wasn't going as he had imagined so he got a little frustrated, but it made us laugh (especially my dad) and that made Julien laugh. It was too cute! He did such a good job with it! I did have a part in it but afterward we played the videos back on my camera and the one Carloyn videoed of my part was cut, so I didn't make it on the video, but I was the Indian Chief and my hat was quite impressive. My dad was the king and the narrator and was really funny! Rich, Carolyn, and Jonah were pilgrims and looked so cute.

Here is part of the play. Sorry about the lighting.  You can see how Julien was saying, "oh this is horrible...!"  And I love my dad's laugh!  He is easily entertained.

By the way, this is just Rich being a dork.  They were actually stopped in this picture, but he was pretending to be going down the slide.  Pretty believable.  He did take Cooper down a few times, but that time I missed the picture so he posed.  lol. 

There was a cold front that came in just minutes after we got to the park so the sky looked really cool in some of these pictures. 

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


  1. I love the video, especially dad cracking up. Avery was watching it with her friend and he was imitating Dad's laugh. Too funny. I love Julien being the director. Looks like you guys had a good time.

  2. These pictures are so precious!! Cooper is looking so much older these days and all of your boys are so cute and smiley! Love it! Great angles by the way!
