Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy to have my camera back!

 If you didn't read the post below, I haven't had a camera in 2 weeks, so yesterday, I got a little carried away. But I'm so glad that I did because some of these are my favorite pictures yet of Cooper.

This one is my absolute favorite (above) because it captures his sweet innocence.  I'm in love with him.

I decided not to choose so I made some collages instead.
I know, you get the point!  He's adorable and I'm a bit obsessed.

Julien and Jonah were off playing and since I can't take my eyes off of Cooper (or he will eat the bark!) I didn't get many of them.  Babies are just so fun to photograph anyway! 
He didn't want me to take any anyway.


  1. I love the outside pictures. I think it really brings out his eyes. He looks so much like you. :)
