Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6 months!

My baby turns 6 months tomorrow. He is the little light of my life! He is so happy and so patient. My, oh my, I love him.

The little cutie is still not sleeping through the night yet. He wakes up about 2-3 times a night (with a lot of stirring where I just pop his binkie back in). Luckily, he eats and goes right back to sleep though, so it's not so bad but I look forward to sleeping through the night again someday. The blanket on him in these pictures is the one that Rich's grandma made for the kid's blessing day. I ended up using it a lot with Cooper because he pulls blankets over his head a lot so I used this one because it has holes in it. He still manages to pull the whole thing over his face in a pile and I wake up in panic every night because he struggles to breath once he does that and can't get it off. I tell ya. I tried to just dress him warm the other night so he wouldn't have to use a blanket and he cried and cried and I couldn't get him comfortable. Finally I just put this blanket back in his crib and he gave me the cutest smile and snuggled it and went right to sleep! So he is already attached! I love watching him sleep.

I started him on solids this week.
Mmm, avocados!!

Snuggling with Dad.


  1. I just LOVE the sleeping pics of Cooper and to be honest, it reminds me so much of Daisy. She loves to have her arms above her head and boy...blankets, don't even think about putting her to sleep without a blanket on the side of her face. She pulls it over her face to and I get worried also. lol. Love those sleepy baby faces:). He is so darling and my how times flies! 6 months already!!! Sigh...they grow so fast!

  2. Too cute! I love the one of him enjoying his avocado! He is just so precious. Great new post. Can't believe it has already been 6 months.

  3. he is such a little cutie! i love those cheeks! sleeping one whole night sounds nice doesn't it?!

  4. Such a cutie!!! It seems like he is always smiling! So sweet- and you will get to sleep again but if you are lucky like me you will be so accustomed to no sleep that you lay awake in bed instead of catching up on all that lost sleep.
