Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My baby with many names

I once read an article about how children feel loved when they have many nicknames. I don't know if that is true or not, but if it is, my Cooper boy has plenty. I'm sure many parents come up with the weirdest nick-names for their babies. One day I will look at my baby and a name will come out of my mouth and I have no idea where it came from but it ends up sticking. It's weird because around other people only their real names come out, but at home my babies have silly names.
I used to call Julien "Ham" and I'm sure I had more names but the memory has faded.
Jonah was "Nonah, Nonah," and (still is) "Hampton" and when I'm in a weird mood and talking to the kids in "that" voice I will often say "you're mommy's Hamptonite!" SO WEIRD, I KNOW! But I can't help myself.
Now for my newest little squishers, here are the names I call him. ( Again, don't know where they come from and I am fully aware that they are strange and so am I).....


By next week I could have more

Notice his sweet little fingers stuck in his blanket?  Awe, I love that, it happens all of the time:)!  This was taken a couple of weeks ago before church. 
Love him, I do!


  1. Your boys are definitely not lacking in the love department:) They are so lucky to have a mommy as wonderful as you! Vak and I have about 10 different nicknames for eachother, they get SOOO WEIRD too! Sometimes Vak will call me one in public and I get really embarrassed. But seriously Cooper is just too cute in those pics!

  2. What cute pics of Coopie:) hehe Love the finger stuck in the blanket. Does he not use a pacifier? I think Daisy would sleep so much better if that dang thing didn't fall out of her mouth all night long. lol. I have tons of endearing names for Daisy too and I though they were the same ones everyone used but, looks like we all have our own:) hehe

  3. Yay! I'm so happy that you sent me an invite to your blog even though I was lazy about telling you I wanted one. CUTE pictures!

  4. Hey Vanessa!! Thanks so much for sending me a link to your blog update!!! You guys are just the cutest little family ever!!Your baby and two little boys are so handsome! I really look forward to the day when Eric and me can be parents! Thanks for keeping in touch!
