Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Making progress!

Lately I've been finding new ways to get my picky eater, Jonah, to try new foods. Here is what I tried today:

The kids and I were at the health food store this morning and they had samples of grapes and had tooth picks to pick them up with. Jonah use to eat grapes a while back but has refused them for quite a while now. Oh but not at the store...way too fun to eat them off of a stick! So we got home and they told me they were hungry so I said I had a special treat for them and sent them into the other room while I prepared it. So as you can see in the pictures, I used the same concept (not that I hadn't seen that before) and crossed my fingers that Jonah would get a little brave and try some more fruit. At this point in time, the only fruit he will eat whole is an apple (and grapes at the store). The only way I can get fruit in him is to make them smoothies everyday. Anyway, the kids definitely enjoyed making these. Jonah was only willing to put strawberries on his, but that was okay. Again, this is another food he use to eat but has refused for a long time now. He stacked them as high as he could and once he was done I was still hoping he would actually eat them. He did, and finished the whole kabob, and then stacked another one half way and finished it off. So progress! Although it wasn't exactly a "new" food, it was a breakthrough and by the end he said, "I just LOVE strawberries!" It was funny watching Jonah too because he was so into this activity and stayed at the table long after Julien had run off to play and kept on eating! Slowly, but surely, we will get there!


  1. Great idea! So happy to hear he is eating new things. Love the way you set up the pics.

  2. Wow, you're not exaggerating. That's pretty picky if he won't even eat fruit. What a good idea. Hopefully they don't start attacking each other with those sticks!
