Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My auntie came!

My aunt Kathy from WA came to visit us for a few days. We really love her and enjoyed the time together. (Rich had to work the whole time and missed out though). She is so much fun and we didn't want to see her go. She took care of me a lot when I was little and now it's fun to see her interact with my kids. They love their great aunt Kathy! She gets right down at their level and plays with them. She wants to be a grandma so bad but isn't one, so she likes to treat my kids/my sister's kid like her grand kids. We are going to miss her! Between her and I we took a bazillion pictures this past week. Before she left I uploaded all of her pics. Here are just a few, but next post there will be a ton more.....

And on a side note:
Cooper can roll over both ways now and sits up on my bed for a minute before falling over. He continues to be the sweetest baby ever!

1 comment:

  1. Love Coopers rolls:) He reminds me of my little Daisy with that round happy face and precious smile:). What a sweetie!! I would love to cuddle up with him:). So glad you got to enjoy a nice visit with your Aunt!
