Monday, December 27, 2010

The cutest little Santa

When our first son, Julien, was a baby my dad got him this adorable Santa outfit.  It's a 12 month outfit and when Julien wore it he was just 6 months (since that's how old he was that Christmas).  A little big on him, but still so cute.  Jonah and Cooper, however were just the right size for it when their time came.  I have pictures of all my kids wearing this outfit and would love to include them in this post, but I can't due to my scanner being broken (yes baby Julien was before I had a digital camera) and Jonah's pics are on a 3rd party sight that I can't get off unless I order them on c.d.  Anyway, here is Cooper dressed as Santa.  I get a little obsessed with their cuteness when my babies wear this, so sorry there are so many, and trust me, there are way more where these came from.

p.s. No, I don't normally give my baby candy.  The wrapper was actually still on, but once I gave it to him, he broke it in half and was able to get a taste.  Giving him that was the only way I could get him to hold still enough for pictures and to keep his hat on.  He was loving it. 

p.s.s. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day posts are coming soon. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

One Year Old Photo Shoot

I wanted to take Cooper to a place with a nice background and at the time of day when pictures actually turn out nice, but time slipped away that day and I ran out of sunlight fast.  I ended up taking his pictures behind our apartment (not a beautiful background).  Even though he is always cute, in my opinion, I still don't think they turned out as good as I had hoped due to lighting, background, and of course to the fact that he was much more interested in the grass and walking around than in posing for the camera.  But here he is on his very first birthday!

Of course I got the big smile once we went inside.  I edited the color on all of the ones outside because it helped a little with the lighting...bummer cause I love that sweater!

7 1/2 teeth
walks 95% of the time
likes to climb
smiles all of the time
waves and flirts with new people but can also be shy
loves his brothers
adores his daddy
a total mama's boy
does not sleep through the night yet
takes one nap a day
gets into everything
makes the cutest facial expressions
hates the car after 5 minutes
knows some sign language
tries to talk
his favorite phrase to say is "all done" and he says it very seriously while doing the sign for it
gives kisses
follows mommy everywhere and loves to be held
cuddles when he is tired
very ticklish
has the best giggle ever
makes a "sniffer face" when asked
likes books
has absolutely no interest in t.v. yet
doesn't play with toys much, would rather get into things he shouldn't
gives high fives
loves to clap
laughs when others do 
has a super strong grip
loves to throw anything he can in the trash (pretty sure that's where our remote went)
is developing such a personality
sweetest baby in the world!!!

Having Cooper in our family has been such a major blessing.  Having three kids has been a hard adjustment for us though.  My house has probably been clean 365 minutes this year (a minute a day), and I have probably only made a very embarrassing low number of actually meals this year.  I'm not sure if it's the number of kids that has been hard or just the fact that a baby is 24-7.  (A baby that is not sleeping through the night, I might add).  Both, probably.  Taking 3 kids to the store, not that hard, but I would be a liar if I said it was fun.  There are some things that surprise me with how easy they are to do with three kids (did that even make sense?), and other things that I just can't seem to master.  I don't have the luxury of having a husband home while I make dinner and most nights not even to help get kids in bed, but I can say that I have learned a lot this year and know that a little extra love and patience can make up for the lack of help when he is gone.  That's not a claim to mastering patience btw.  So three kids has given me the busiest, most exhausting year of my life, but at the same time, the most joy I could ever imagine.  Nothing in this world compares to the joy and satisfaction of having children.  And since this is Cooper's birthday we are talking about here, a baby is something extra special to have at home.  My baby is one.  He is growing so fast, but I'm so happy that I have no regrets with the amount of time I have spent with him.  I have cherished every day with him.  I wish he could slow down a little, but I also love seeing him discover and grow.  He is such an angel and is a constant reminder to me to be better and to be grateful.  As much work as a baby and children are, the reward is a million times greater!  I love my little birthday boy and am so grateful I became his mommy at this time in my life.  We are all so thankful to have him in our family.  He, a year later, is still a novelty around here, and the kids still fight every time we go somewhere about who gets to sit by him.  We all love our little Coop!  I'm so thankful to be a mommy!!!  Happy Birthday Coopertiners, Kinza-ruiny head, Bootsy, Nu Nu (poor kid still has a few absurd names that just seem to come out when I talk to him).  WE LOVE YOU COOPER!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My one year old

This little monkey loves to climb.  Everyday we have to take down the ladder to the kid's bunk bed since Cooper can climb all the way to the top by himself. 

Cooper is walking all over the place! 

I can't believe it!  My baby turned one.  We had a little celebration with presents, just at home.  He was so cute opening up his gifts.  He really understood what to do! 
My sister sent him some cute jammies and we got him this little walker/rider thing and the boys got him a book.

I had a video to go with this post, but it's not working.  Maybe later.  And yes, the quality of these pictures are so bad, I don't know what's up with my camera or maybe it's just the terrible lighting in my house.

We celebrated a day early due to Rich's schedule, but anywho, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweet one year old!  Love you more than words could ever express!

Christmas Break

Let the: (See list below) begin.......
                 staying up too late

And in the midst of all that, we do have some fun moments like....
                sleeping in (kind of)
                listening to Christmas music
                making Christmas cards
                wrapping presents
                movie nights

But with all the fighting and tattling going on, there are still moments of love and sweetness and that's when I run and get my camera!

I love not having any interruptions that school brings. I love having all my kids home, as loud as it gets sometimes.  We are loving Christmas Break!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Priceless Moment

Tonight we watched "Elf" together as a family.  For most of the movie we were all scattered throughout the living room, but towards the end, Julien and Jonah snuggled up with Daddy.  Cooper was getting restless so I gave him a bottle and laid him right up next to them. Once he was done, Rich popped his bink in and he was out.  Jonah was already conked out, and Rich had been bobbing his head, like he does, for quite a while.  Julien tends to stick it out till the end of the movie and then he will crash.  I definitely had to get some pictures of this.  They just looked so cozy and cute, I wanted to curl up with them.  I know moments like these are ones I will always cherish! And aren't they all so lucky to have me to capture all of these precious moments for them!?!:)  Sure love my boys.


I am happy that my kids still believe in Santa.  Julien who is 6 1/2 still believes so much.  He is so passionate about these things.  Is it just me, or do any of you moms feel guilty, like you are lying to your kids (cause really we are), when they ask questions about Santa?  Julien asks me questions all of the time and I answer then according to the myth of Santa, but I feel guilty.  I don't know why.  I don't know a single kid who ended up resenting their parents after finding out that Santa wasn't real, but still.  Looking back, I am glad my parents "lied" to me about Santa.  Believing in Santa is such a fun part of childhood.  I'm definitely not planning on letting them in on the secret yet, but I do feel a bit guilty at times when I answer their questions about him.  Children are so pure and I love their precious faith!  So even though I feel a bit like a liar, I am still glad to see them use their imaginations and believe, it's priceless!

We went to the mall to visit Santa and Jonah (almost 5 yrs old) took off.  Not too far, we could see him hanging out close by, but that kid wants nothing to do with visiting Santa.  He has no problem receiving gifts from him and really believes in him, but won't go close to him.  I think the whole magic thing just freaks him out!  So here is my favorite picture that I snapped.  I love it!  I just get bummed when I look at it and Jonah is missing.  All of the other years we managed to get Jonah up there, but most of time he was balling or would not look at Santa.  He gets more and more stubborn the older he gets.  That little stinker!  Oh well, maybe next year!  Santa still got him some fun things this year!

Cooper was getting shy and posed like that.  He makes THE CUTEST shy faces, and I'm glad we kind of captured it here.  I hope Jonah will be in the picture next year!

Speaking of Jonah... He did write this note to Santa one day and I thought it was pretty cute!
"Jonah can be on the nice list, Santa."                                                                               

Rich and I are really excited for Christmas morning!  This year we did the shopping together.  Normally I just do it but this year he wanted to join me and I was so excited.  Not only was it a date night, but together we got extra creative with our gifts and are equally excited about what the kids are getting.  I love this stage of life where my kids believe and everything is so exciting and surprising.  It's crazy to think that last Christmas Cooper was just 2 days old.  I was one tired mommy.  I am excited that this year Cooper can join in and tear up the wrapping paper.  Eeeek!  Can't wait!