Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We signed Julien and Jonah up for soccer on Saturday.  It is their first time being in a sport.  Yesterday we went out and got them their cleats and shin guards and what not.  Last night the kids got all their new gear on and looked as cute as I had imagined.  I knew Jonah, with his stocky little body, would look especially cute.  We thought we should go over the rules a bit since they have never played soccer, nor have they really seen it much.  So we were talking about when it's okay to touch the ball with your hands.  We said goalie and Jonah says, "bully?"  So I take out the white board and start drawing a soccer field and drew the goalie and then they understood.  Then I asked, "okay, if you guys are on this team (pointing to my stick figures on the right), which net should you kick the ball into?  Of course they pointed to the wrong one.  Lol, I can't wait!  In fact, at this age, I am looking forward to the little kids kicking it into the wrong goal and getting all exciting.  I drew the field and pointed out the side lines where mom and dad would be sitting and watching, and Julien asks, "OH! Are there going to be cheerleaders??!!"  Rich and I had a good laugh.  We just can't wait!  Having kids in sports is making me feel a bit old.  We definitely feel like we are in a new stage with our family.  Their first game is in a couple of weeks, so pictures to come!

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