Friday, August 20, 2010

These are actually recent pictures

Yesterday, (see, recent) we were playing in the boy's room (Cooper's favorite place to be) and one of the kids stuck this hat on Cooper. He looked so cute that I had to take a ton of pictures, as you can see. You can see in most of these pictures that he is holding a baby fork. Most of the time if he is fussy I can give him a baby fork or spoon and he is all better. Like I said he loves being in their room, so whenever I need to fold laundry, I can just bring him in there and he is content. I know most of my posts have been about Cooper since he has been born...what can I say? He is adored around here. Check out his new two-tooth grin! Still need to video tape his giggle, it's the cutest thing I've ever heard.


  1. Ok he is seriously the cutest boy ever! I need to smoosh him now. Thanks for the updates.

  2. What a cute little doll of a boy!! That hat is so stinking cute!! Is he trying to crawl yet?
