Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cooper update

Cooper started crawling last week.  He is now pulling himself up on furniture too.  I have been kind of dreading this stage because it's nearly impossible to keep little chocking hazards off the floor with two other boys.  I have thrown out and packed away as many little toys as I could but it seems like things just keep appearing daily.  I am doing my best to keep him confined to "safe areas."  So far, so good, but this is definitely a more anxious time for me when baby puts everything in his mouth.  Here are some pictures from today...  He is sick in these first set of pictures, so not looking as happy and even looks thinner to me believe it or not.  It's so fun to see him being such a big boy!
My baby is growing up way too fast.  It's almost time to put his swing back in storage.  Although he does this (see pictures below), he does still relax and even sleep in his swing still, so I'm hanging on to it for a little longer.  Check him out...  He cracks us up when he sits up like this because he looks like he is having fun and just chillin.  He even rocks his body to make his swing go fast.  Don't worry, he is strapped in.
He is also playing with all of his brothers toys now. This particular night was cute because he was just pushing the car like a true boy!
We love our happy boy! He loves when we get excited and clap for him. He tries to clap too. Lately he has been getting a lot of claps for all of his new tricks.

And so I don't leave them out... Here is a picture of the boys showing me their "face (arm) painting" they got on tax-free weekend. Still waiting for Julien's hair to grow back after he buzzed a chunk of it right before the school year started and we had shave the whole thing. They both got sharks, after becoming infatuated with them during shark week.


  1. He looks so much older standing up like that. Too adorable. I wish I could come visit soon. He does look skinnier, it is probably a combo of being sick and crawling. So cute. I love the big boy pick too.

  2. Oh my gosh he has gotten mobile!! Wow, it just happens like that doesn't it! CRazy! I feel like Daisy is so slow at learning motor things but, before I know it she too will be crawling and pulling herself up. Cooper is so freaking cute Vanessa. I LOVE his smile and his chubby cheeks. He would be a great BFF for DAisy! :) I think he is looking longer too by the way. Crazy how they lose that baby fat so fast...wish they didn't cuz I love it!! :)

  3. Cutest little booger in the world. He's dropped some weight and is starting to look like Jonah!
