Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy 7th Anniversary to us!

For our 7th anniversary Rich and I went on a little stay-cation.  We stayed at a Marriott in Downtown, on the River Walk.  We got hooked up with a nice executive suite, thanks to my hub's discount and connections:). 

We didn't get a view of the River Walk, but it was still a cool view of the city. We were on the 31st floor. There were 44 floors in the hotel.

Yes, we brought Cooper.   It was just easier to bring him.  He still doesn't sleep through the night so I didn't want someone else to deal with that.  I also really don't leave him with anyone yet, so I didn't want to chance it with this trip.  It was totally fine though.  It was almost like not having any kids at all because he was sooo good!  We seriously got so lucky.  He loved the hotel room and just explored the whole time if we were inside, and the rest of the time he loved being in his stroller and walking around outside.  At dinner, we ate outside on the River Walk and he fell asleep within five minutes in his stroller and we were able to focus on each other the whole time.  He slept great in the porta-crib for the his first time too.  Cooper was so fun and always so cute.

I know, this our anniversary get-a-way, and most of these pictures are of Cooper, but I couldn't help myself!  He loved the mirrors.  We don't have any mirrors in our house that are low enough for him to see himself, so he just got a kick out of them.  Or, we got a kick out of watching him try to touch the other baby.  He kept banging his poor little head on the mirror as he tried to touch the "other baby."  I love the picture in the middle (below) where he is kissing himself. 

If you don't know what the River Walk is, it is a man-made River that runs through a mall (outside) in downtown San Antonio.  It's so fun and romantic.  You can even take a boat ride through it. Check it out HERE

Here are the little bits of info that went with the big people we are posing with above.  At first I thought the one I took a pic with was a woman, but it's a man.  Crazy facts...!

As you see above, this ring was 5 sizes too small for the big guy, but look at the difference between this ring and Rich's.

We loved trying hats on Cooper!  He looked too cute!

That darn glare...Tiger Woods and Rich.  Isn't he cute?!  Rich that is!:)

In the morning Cooper had fun playing on our bed and loved the sheets! 

Checking out the view!
I love this one!!!
We came home and Julien had written us this cute letter!  What a sweetie!  (Just the day before he was jumping for joy for a day with no parents)!
I want to go back!  Rich and I haven't been away like that over night since our 3 or 4 year anniversary.  Boy, was it good to have 24 straight hours of a date!  I can't believe it's been 7 years already and nine years of knowing him!!  I love him more than ever!!  A big thanks to my dad and Carolyn for watching Julien and Jonah.  I know they had fun! 


  1. Great pics! I especially love the one of Cooper kissing himself, just precious. What a great room too. Looks like you had a great time.

  2. That was an awesome picture update!!! I'm so glad you two were able to get away and to be honest it made me smile to see that you brought Cooper along because I would do the same thing at this point with Daisy. It is also nice to know that I'm not the only mom with a baby who refuses to sleep through the night....and who doesn't leave her baby alone much yet. Just good to know there are other mamas out there like me for a change:). Happy Anniversary. Cooper looks like he had a blast!!
