A little update: So far I'm on day 3 of working on this post. I only have time to upload a little at a time. I'm all consumed with baby and everything else. So here are a bunch of pictures from the past couple of weeks. Things have been pretty crazy since we brought Cooper home. Although he is starting to sleep a little better at night and I'm able to function better, I'm still learning how to keep up with everything else. I hit my 6 week mark last week, so I'm finally able to exercise again (more intensely at least). I still have to lose 15 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but ideally would like to lose 20. For now I'm just focusing on the getting the 15 off though. Third time is not a charm with losing weight from breastfeeding. It's definitely not falling off this time around; it just makes me more hungry. But NO excuses, I'm working out! Rich is making some big changes. We have decided that he will go back to school. We are hoping all works out with financial aid and he can start in the fall. For us, this is life changing. We know if all works out that we will have to sacrifice a lot, but we know it's the right thing. Anyway, I'll fill you in on that if it all works out for us. Cooper is getting sooo big! He is at least 12 lbs already. Probably more. He's breathing a little better and starting to get over his cold. We are still working on naps and night time. I'm going to try to get down to the library and pick up "The No-Cry Sleep Solution," for some helpful tips. Cooper is just so cute and we all can't get enough of him. And just so I don't leave them out, Julien and Jonah are doing great too.Recent Pictures.........
I love him.
I love yawning pictures (of babies that is).
See how big he is getting!
Look at that tummy and those cheeks!
Taking a stroll in the park.
Cute. Cute. Cute!
So last Saturday we took some casual family pictures. I know that we went at the wrong time of day and the lighting wasn't right, but we are on a baby's schedule and that's when we could go do it. It was spur of the moment as we were trying to think of something to do outside of the house that day; we figured we would go take some family pics.
This one was the first one we took. I was testing out the lighting and told the boys to go sit on the grass, and this was the pose they gave me, all on their own.
I love this one of all my men.

Julien inside the resort we took pictures at.
Shoe shinning chairs. Last but not least...Cooper got his baby blessing on Sunday. I'm obsessed with my little man in his outfit. After sacrament meeting, a lady in my ward came up to me (she is pretty southern and I find her to be really funny), she said, "OH MY STARS! IT'S HEAVEN IN A TUXEDO!" Lol! I agree!By the way, it was a beautiful blessing and I'm grateful my husband could give it.
This is before we left for church. All I am thinking is, "please don't spit up or have a blow out!" Luckily he never did!
Ready to go!
My men in their suits. Cooper is going cross-eyed here. We were really rushed that day so didn't get many shots at church.

After Church, Jonah was over it. Jonah had a rough day at church! Cooper was pooped, and I couldn't get him to wake up for more pictures.
This wasn't Jonah trying to smile. It was him first making a mad face and then me telling him not to smile, so of course one came out.
Wish he was awake!
He is asleep here, just having good dreams.
Told you I'm obsessed. Pictures keep coming.
Sort of awake.
...gone.See, was "picture overload" an understatement!
I think they turned out so cute, I love the one where they are all in there suits. He is getting so big, 12 pounds already, what a good eater. I think you look great, you must have been really thin before if you think you need to lose weight.
ReplyDeleteSo adorable! I love them all. There are just too many good ones to comment on. I esp. love the ones of Cooper in his Tux. Also that is hilarious what that lady said. Oh how it is so sad too be so far away. I miss my boys. Thanks for the great pics.
ReplyDeletenope. Not a picture overload. Thanks for the pics of you !!!!! You are GEORGOUS!!!!! SO happy to see you. In pic that is. Miss you guys. Wish we were there for the blessing. Going to school huh? Come back to St. george to do it. Get some help through the way with Ren and I... Wouldn't that be fun.
ReplyDeleteWow, that was the coolest blog post ever:). I LOVE your family pictures and my favorites are the ones that you are also in. Great job taking those. Why bother ever hiring a professional when you can take them yourself:). You have inspired me! Cooper is getting big so fast. It just blows me away how quickly they grow. Your family is so adorable and you look GREAT Vanessa!!
ReplyDeleteI also love all the pictures. You look great! I can't believe you have 3 kids!!!
ReplyDeleteThose pics are adorable sweetheart! I enjoyed taking a couple of them :-) What a beautiful family!!! Love you all...
ReplyDeleteYes Dixie is a great school!!! Well, not that I know... But I DO know free family babysitting is the best :) Not to mention the family hangout stuff. It is the best living here.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the pictures!!! You look amazing Vanessa!! Such adorable family pictures! All of your boys are just too cute! Glad he's starting to breathe better.
Vanessa!! Your family is so beautiful, and why shouldn't it be? You and Rich are HOT!
ReplyDeleteYou are so skinny...shut up! Good luck to Rich with school...it will be worth it. You are amazing!
I loved all the pictures. He is such a cutie and your older boys are getting so big too.