The night before Jonah's birthday, Rich went out and bought the bike, and came home with some "Cars" birthday decor to make Jonah feel special. I thought that was pretty sweet of him! The next morning (on Jonah's birthday), we woke up before the kids and went in their room singing happy birthday to Jonah. He really didn't like it (no surprise). The first thing Julien said was, "Let's see how big you are today, Jonah!" lol.
Anyway, once Jonah cheered up, he came out and found his little surprises and was one happy boy!
Later, we had my dad and Carolyn over for dinner and dessert. Jonah felt very special all day and showed off his bike some more.

We are grateful for little Jonah. Here are a few facts about our birthday boy:
*He loves his brothers!
*He is so stubborn!
*He loves to be outside or even just in the car driving.
*His new thing is to say, "look Mom/Dad, I'm a statue." and he'll strike a silly pose.
*He has developed a love for coloring.
*He likes to hide things and when we ask him if he knows where something is (even if it's days later), he will know right where he put it.
*At home he is very silly and outgoing but won't give a stranger the time of day and becomes shy.
*When he is sick he denies it. Even if he is lethargic and feeling so bad, he will try to convince me that he is just tired.
*He is still our picky eater and would rather go to bed without eating than to try something new.
*When Julien is at school he is the most chill child ever, and is so content and calm; but once Julien comes home, the craziness begins and Jonah is bouncing off the walls.
*When you praise Jonah he tends to blush.
*He can hold his own when he wrestles his big brother.
*He's a whiz at the computer and also has great athletic ability.
*He's still a bit of a nightmare at church, but looks cute in his suit.
*The second he eats sugar he is CRAZY.
*He is the cutest sleeper and Rich and I always want to cuddle up next to him when he sleeps.
*He has the softest cheeks ever and I love kissing his face!
*He hates talking on the phone and always has. (Julien is exact opposite).
*He is all boy! Loves cars, dirt, noise, roughhousing, etc.
We love you, Jonah! Happy Birthday!
I too had forgotten that Alexis and Jonah share a birthday. Happy Birthday to Jonah! My girls have been very curious to see the changes of the birthday girls the next morning- how funny.
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't believe that Jonah is 4 already!! It's just crazy how fast kids grow up. I can tell that Jonah had the best birthday ever and that is one cool bike:)!! Glad you guys had funny and Happy Birthday to Jonah!!
ReplyDeleteFour years old just blows my mind. I keep picturing him at about two! (I know I've seen him since then,and I've seen lots of pictures, it's mostly just his voice-I can't picture him talking much!) That is such a cute post! And he is soo cute! I can't believe how fast time goes by!!
ReplyDeleteWe miss you guys!
I just got caught up on your blog. I can't believe Cooper is already 2 months! Time flies for me up here where I'm getting plenty of sleep. I know it's flown for you too cuz my baby is almost two! I can relate.
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute family. Happy Birthday Jonah!