With Rich out of a job right now we didn't do anything for Valentine's Day. Actually, I made some chocolate covered strawberries last night that were delish! Oh, and today we said, "Happy Valentines Day" to each other! That about sums it up. We've been broke for many holidays throughout our marriage. Although I'd never say I wouldn't love to go out to dinner and have him say, "I'm going to take you shopping for new clothes, let's go to the mall (my dream);" I'm still okay with just letting the holiday come and go with no gifts. I guess I'm getting old. I know I'm not getting boring because if I had money I'd go all out. But I'm just sayin', I'm okay that at this point in our life we have to go without the spoiling. We had a great day at church, came home and hung out with the kids, and then later he enjoyed a basketball game on t.v., while I sat in the rocking chair with Cooper singing along to old Britney Spears songs at the top of my lungs in our room. I actually had fun (haven't listened to her for years and had the urge tonight). So all in all it was a great day. I guess I shouldn't say he hasn't spoiled me lately. He has in other ways. I can't tell you how much he has picked up the slack for me since we had Cooper. Let's just say he'd make an amazing housewife. So I'm really grateful for all of his help and effort and I'd take that over flowers any day!
I remember when I was in elementary school and we would make big envelopes out of colored construction paper that hung from our desks for V-day. All of our classmates would fill up the envelopes with valentines and we'd have a party in class. Those were the days! Now that I'm a mom, I get excited for my kids to experience these little joys in life. I had fun watching Julien write a Valentine for each of his classmates. He was very thoughtful of which card he wanted to give to each person. He wrote each of their names with excitement. It was also fun to see him come home the next day with a ton of cards and candy. Jonah was fascinated with all that he brought home and has been drooling over a cookie that Julien got and is waiting to eat. Julien also got a special Valentine gram delivered to him from a certain girl. He has like 4 girls that he always talks about, that he says want to marry him. Cute, sort of. My sweet Julien even made Rich and I each a card.
I should have made cards for my family! Feeling kinda bad about that. Anyway, Happy Love Day people!
The cards Julien got to pass out came with these heart stickers. As you can see, Jonah found the perfect place to put them. And just because he is cute............

Someday we will spoil our husband's rotten with things but, this year we can spoil them rotten with love:). That was our motto too and it actually felt really refreshing to save $$ that we don't have and enjoy quality time together instead:). Glad you enjoyed it too and I really love your attitude in spite of tight times. God Bless you for that! Cooper is getting so big already and you can tell he adores his big brothers too! Soooooo cute!
ReplyDeleteToo cute! Love the chubba. Glad you guys had a great day despite not being about to "go out." Sounds like it was better anyway. Miss you guys.
ReplyDeleteWe also didn't spend any money on Valentine's Day this year and it was kind of nice. I didn't mind not getting flowers or anything. Those picture are REALLY cute.