Friday, January 29, 2010

My baby shower

My friends from church threw me a baby shower yesterday. I felt a bit spoiled being the guest of honor since it was my 3rd boy. It was a lot of fun and I got spoiled. I'm thankful for good friends!!! Here are all the gifts, unwrapped....
Little baby on a big bed
I'm having way too much fun with this!
My little cutie!


  1. So thankful I got to be there for it! Love the pics of Cooper in the gifts :)

  2. thats so nice! no matter what baby you are on you always deserve to get new cute stuff for it! he is getting so big and is so cute. hopefully he is feeling better.

  3. Yeah for wonderful friends and much needed baby goodies:). I love how happy Cooper looks sitting on top of all his loot. hahahaha He is so cute!! Boy stuff is so much fun:)

  4. So fun!! I know it's been said but I love the picture of him on top of the stash! That is so adorable! What a cute little guy!!
