Monday, August 3, 2009

Little Conversations

I'm always over hearing Julien and Jonah have little conversations. This morning one went like this:

Jonah: ...okay, Ju Ju (Ju Ju is a nick name for Julien that Jonah almost always calls him).

Julien: Don't call me Ju Ju anymore. Call me Julien, ALL of the time, okay?! Say it.

Jonah: Juweein

Julien: Good, now say it again....


  1. Well if "Juweeeen" is acceptable, maybe you should start calling him that too.

  2. oh PUHLEASE!!! post more of these!!!!!!!

  3. I love listening to kid conversations! I love that Julien knows you have to practice to get into a new habit. Too cute!

  4. hahaha im laughing at kelley. i agree with her too. and as for jonah, that kid kills me. im kidnapping him
