It wasn't really a surprise since that's what they thought at my 14 week ultra sound, but it's good to know for sure. We are excited! We have a few names picked out, but this time I don't think I want to settle on one way ahead of time. I want to keep looking for names and keep my mind open. And, nope, no pregnancy pictures to show yet. Just imagine me, 10 pounds fatter, a baby belly that looks like I am 6 months along (even though I'm not), and add another chin or two; and don't forget to add the bags under my eyes! I'm feeling really attractive these days;). The funny thing is, this is my thinnest pregnancy (so far, don't you worry). The nurse said the baby looked bony so I'm going to eat a lot of fat because I like 'em (my babies) chubby. Just kidding, I already do that, but I am going to try not to get as fat as I did with Julien and Jonah, but also not going to worry much if I do. It doesn't really matter how hard I try to not look fat, I am short, so it will happen anyway! So bring it. I just want a healthy baby and the fat will come off later. Julien and Jonah are a little bummed they don't get their baby sister, but they are still excited and I know they will love him. We are just so happy to be having a baby around the house again! It feels like it's been forever! This time around will be so different with two older boys who are potty trained. We can't wait!
uh oh, a thumb sucker! There he is, our little bony old man.

Congrats! How fun to have 3 little men..I would take another one in a heartbeat--I love boys!
ReplyDeleteYea!! Your boys are going to be the best of friends! Super fun! Are you guys sticking with J names or was that just a coincidence? I'll bet you are the cutest pregnant lady ever!
ReplyDeleteNot sticking with the J names. And I'm not a cute pregnant lady, promise. But thanks:)!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you!! I absolutely love having a boy and would love to have two more!! I'm sure you look adorable, I don't know how you could not! Hope you're feeling okay, we need to get together when you're up for it! :)
ReplyDeleteYAy! Congrats! Oh i know exactly how you feel! It's so much harder being pregnant with little kids running around. I have no energy. Take some pics of your belly!
ReplyDeleteHey Vanessa! I loved getting caught up on your blog!!! The Ju Ju thing was so funny. I'm still laughing about that. Congrats again on your little boy, so so fun!!
ReplyDeletevanessa!! this is michele ward buttars! yay hooray- you have another little boy on the way! congrats! you have one cute lil family! i want to talk to you and catch up! email me or call me when you have a chance! or
ReplyDelete(805)602-2559. or i can call you- just need your number! love ya!
Ahh that really is so exciting! I love prego pictures, you have to post some, even though you may think you don't look good, you will always want to look back and say "And this is when I was pregnant with you, baby boy with no name yet." we all feel fat when were pregnant. When I was pregnant with Kellen, people would ask me if I was having twins. And then I was getting the "you look like your ready to pop, when are you due" 3 months before my due date. Yeah I was big and loved it.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to meet my new nephew. I love him already. You know he will be sooooo cute.
ReplyDeletecongrats that is so exciting!! And they are so adorable they will all have such a blast together!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I think you're the perfect mom to raise all those boys. Atleast someone bringing men into this world, since we aren't! j/k We're happy for you!
ReplyDeleteVAnessa, you may not think you are a cute pregnant lady but, I know for a fact that you are!! I want to see your belly!! haha. lol. CONGRATS on another precious boy. You guys make adorable boys that is for sure so I cannot wait to meet another one!! Your sons are going to be the closest of friends for life. What a blessing:). Congrats again! Love your witty humor in this post by the way:)
ReplyDeletehes gunna be gorgeous just like the 2 you already have!!