My Christmas baby turned 4! I can hardly believe it! Cooper has been such an amazing blessing in our family. He is so precious. I love spending every day with him. He is fun, funny, affectionate, talkative, snugly, smart, and so sweet. He loves to follow rules and especially loves to make sure others follow the rules too, especially his brothers. Rich calls him the family policeman. He is innocent and cheerful. I love watching him play and use his imagination. His puppy dog eyes and little looks he gives me get me every.single.time.! He loves his baby brother, Max. He simply adores him. Every chance he gets, he is in his face, smothering him. I think it overwhelms Max sometimes, but I think over time, he will learn to adore Cooper right back. As expected, he has changed a bit lately, as he is no longer the baby of the family. He tests us more and is a little more sensitive and rebellious, but for the most part, still pretty obedient most of the time. We could not imagine our family with our precious Cooper. He melts our hearts and brings us smiles continuously. I am so glad I get to be his mommy. He has been
such a joy.
For his birthday this year, we kept it simple. His birthday is the day before Christmas Eve. It is always so busy but we still took time to celebrate this little cutie. I'm trying to get away with not throwing a friend party until he is a little older. Next year he will probably ask for one, and that's okay, but I like to put that off as long as I can to keep things simple and the cost down. This year we went out to dinner at The Habit. We invited grandma and grandpa Good, and great-grandpa Wilken. It was yummy and fun. We then went back home and had presents waiting for him to open. He was pretty excited about that. He got a bunch of art supplies and some Lego's.
Can you tell he was excited?! |
Some things Cooper is into at age 4:
*play dough
*all things Disney Jr.
*Power Rangers
*the Wii
*computer games
*snacking all day
*helping mommy with laundry and baking
*reading with mom and dad
*playing with neighbors
*talking my hear off;)
Holy Cow, we love this kid!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y C O O P E R L O V E!!
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