Saturday, January 11, 2014

Max- One Month

On December 21, Max turned one month old.   Thanks to Pinterest for giving me the idea to take monthly photos in the same spot to see baby's growth.  I wish I had done this with my other boys!  I figured his rocking chair in his room would be a good spot.  As usual, I took a bazillion shots, but I'm only posting a handful.  I wasn't sure whether I should do whatever outfit he was wearing that day, a white onesie, or just a diaper.  So I did all three.  In the end I liked the white onesie and diaper shots best, but I'll probably do all three next month too.  At the end of the year, it will be fun to see his progress!

Cooper prepping his baby brother for his photo shoot:).  

It wouldn't be a baby photo shoot without a cross eyed picture!

Some little facts about Maxwell at one month:
*Coos- since 2 weeks old (so sweet)!
*A pretty good nurser
*Loves getting his diaper changed and then lying on his changing pad cooing when he is done getting changed.
*Not very content unless he is sleeping or eating
*Not consistent on night time sleep
*Starting to like his swing more
*Loves the sound of the blender and vacuum, and calms down when they turn on.
*Always has a ton of burps and we can't seem to get them all out (perhaps that's why he isn't very content).
*He has a strong neck and holds his head up pretty well for a newborn.
*Loves taking baths.

He is one sweet boy and we are happy to have him in our family.  I'm glad to have this first month under my belt though.  It's rough when you're trying to establish nursing, you're sleep deprived, and your body is still recovering from pregnancy and delivery. 

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