Thursday, February 6, 2014

Max- Two Months

I was so excited to do Max's two month photo shoot after last month's turned out so cute.  It is fun to see how much he has changed in one month.  I can hardly wait to see the progress over a whole year...although, no rush, Baby Boy!  This session, Max was swinging his arms all over the place and trying to suck on his fists; he discovered his hands, so it was a little trickier getting a still shot.  I may have taken 242 pics...okay, yes I did.  And the problem was there were SO many cute ones!  So, I have no choice but to post a bunch.  

Cooper jumped in there, and I'm so glad he did!  How precious are these of the two of them?!

These sweet little head shots will get harder each month, I'm sure, as he will soon be too big to lie on the chair like that.  I may still take pics like that even when he is too big, just for kicks.;)

What a sport!  He was pretty sleepy that day, and by the end, he just crashed.  I adore him.  Period.

Each month I want to report little facts about him.  The only way I am able to remember all of these things (since I am always behind on my blog), is by taking notes on my iPhone throughout the month. 
Thank goodness for that!

Max-2 months:
*He flirts big time!  Always cooing, smiling, and giggles have started.
*I have had mastitis 3 times since he was born, but nursing is overall going pretty well.
*He is holding his head up better.
*He mostly wants Mommy and isn't easily soothed by anyone else yet.  
*He get smothered by his brothers constantly.
*He got cradle cap right before this photo shoot.  I learned the next day how to get rid of it.  (I never knew that with the other kids and they had it for weeks).
*He is sleeping better at night.  He is waking up for 3 feedings per night (about 45-60 min each time).
*He still loves the sound of the blender and vacuum and it will make him stop crying and calm him down.
*Since 5 weeks old, he has been taking a binkie.  I resisted for the first while to establish nursing, and to decrease the risk of thrush, but the time came where his need to suck was so often and I was too sore.  So binkie entered the picture and it's been so helpful.  
*He still loves taking baths and loves getting his diaper changed.  

Life is getting easier as we are getting a little more sleep and establishing more of a routine.  Time can slow down now!  Love love love this angel.

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing, Vanessa!!! He is a sweetheart! I think it's adorable that he fell asleep taking photos! So, how DO you get rid of cradle cap?
