Friday, March 8, 2013

Christmas Eve '12

I honestly can't remember what we did that day???  I do know that we were going to have a nice dinner at a restaurant but they were closed so we ended up at IHOP.  Nice, I know.  The kids weren't complaining.  Okay, we weren't either, we love that place, but I know it's not exactly the classiest of places to eat at on Christmas Eve.  Oh well.  It seems that our family around here prefers to do their own thing on Christmas Eve.  Rich and I prefer a bigger crowd, but it's fine.  We decided that starting next year, we will make a nice home cooked meal and make that our tradition.  I grew up with a very specific order of events on my Christmas Eve, and I loved knowing what to expect every single year.  In fact, I miss my family so much on Christmas Eve.  I miss the soup we had each year too!  I may try to make that next year.  Anyway, we'll figure it out.  Traditions change and develop over time anyway.

One thing we have stuck to since the beginning of our little family, is opening new ornaments on Christmas Eve.  This year, I considered getting rid of that tradition just because, honestly, I don't love spending the money on ornaments.  I asked the kids if they wanted to change that up, but they were sad to see it go, so we are sticking with it.  I try to find something each year that reflects their current interest.  It's not always easy to find an ornament that is inexpensive, reflects their interest, and is cute, but I do my best.

Another tradition we do is new p.j.s.  The older boys have so many already, that I decided to get them robes this year.  Cooper did need them, so that's what he got.

 I put the tradition gifts out before we left for dinner, so they could find them when we got home.

 I sure love these boys.

Julien became a HUGE football fan!  He plays every day at school and is always throwing a football in the air as he walks through the house.

Jonah wasn't as big on maps and globes as he was last year, but it was the best I could find for him this year, and he was happy with it! Feewww!

Like I mentioned in his birthday post, Cooper was way into firetrucks!  

Everyone was thrilled with their robes/pjs!  
And love was definitely in the air!
Julien and Jonah thought they were pretty tough, like Rocky, in their new robes.
And Mom thought it was necessary to take a thousand pictures!  (I'm only posting 1/3 of them;/)
Cooper already had a robe, so he ran and got his.  
And despite all of Mom's picture taking, they were still super happy and lovey-dovey!
Is that not adorable?  Love him in that robe!
The boys curled up on the couch to watch a Mickey Mouse Christmas Movie (One of Cooper's birthday presents), while Rich finished wrapping my gifts and I ...can't remember what I was doing...oh yeah, I was taking a million pictures.  

Oh, and Julien lost a tooth that day, so the Tooth Fairy had to be extra sneaky that night so she didn't mess up Santa's plans.  She may have chickened out and waited until the next morning to shove that money under the pillow during present time.  Must not have looked hard enough when we first woke up?? :/

Eventually, they were off to sleepy land, and Santa came.  And boy, did he spoil us!!

And I'm shaking my head, looking at these pictures, remembering how many of those presents were mine from Rich.  To say he spoiled me rotten is an understatement.  
How I LOVE Christmas Eve!  We couldn't wait until the morning!

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