Friday, October 22, 2010


I have this adorable niece named Brecken. She has blown our family away with what she can memorize (parts for a primary program, church talks, and even a commercial to promote business for her dad). Oh and she did all of this at age 4 and 5 (maybe even 3). I'm telling you this because it made me realize that we should never underestimate what children can do. So this year when Julien got his little part in the primary program (a program that takes place during the first hour of church with all of the young children ages 3-12, where they sing and most of the kids will get to say a part or give a short talk to go with the theme) I thought I would help him memorize it. Most kids will have their teacher break up their line and whisper it to them piece by piece, and while that is still great and cute, why not have them memorize it? I also made it a goal that the kids and I would memorize scripture masterys together. I haven't been very diligent about learning new ones, so all we know are 2 so far. But I want to try again soon. Jonah got attached to the first one we learned so he prefers to say that one over the 2nd one, but he has both memorized. I've tried a few times to practice a new one with him but he just "loves the old one."  Silly kid.  Not trying to brag here, try it with your kids, you'll be surprised. We actually made this video for Rich's mom who requested a video of their primary parts that she would miss. Jonah didn't have an individual part so I threw in his scripture mastery.

1 comment:

  1. That was so adorable Vanessa!!! Your kids are so smart!! And Jonah was toatally cracking me up for that first part. What a cutie! I am glad to get to hear his voice! I don't really know it that well, sad! But it sure is adorable!!!!

    as a side note the other day I was talking to Jordan and I said "remember Julien" and he stopped me and said "oh yeah. Julien is my bestest friend in the who-o-o-ole world. Our birthdays are right by eachother" it was soooo sweet. you guys have a lotta love comin' from saint george.
