Birth StoryThis will be a long detailed post, so feel free to skip to the pictures! Here is the story of how things unfolded to deliver Cooper. Tuesday, Dec. 22nd I was busy at home doing last minute Christmas things. I took a walk with the boys hoping to get labor started. I came home and nothing seemed different. That night after Rich got home I left to go shopping at Kohl's. Rich's dad had sent a gift card for the boys so I went to go pick them out something and was planning on walking and walking around the store since it was open until midnight. I think I got home around 10:30 pm and began wrapping the rest of the presents that I had left to wrap. I started having consistent contractions. They weren't really increasing in intensity, but they were coming really close together. Yeah! Rich eventually went to sleep. I had an adrenaline rush and couldn't sleep. I got everything ready, presents wrapped/labeled, fudge set aside for Santa, etc. I was prepared in case I wasn't able to be home for Christmas. Anyway, the contractions went on for hours. I tried standing, walking, sitting, laying down, and nothing made them go away! I finally called my sister (a nurse) who was working a night shift (thankfully) and she told me to go in. So I called my dad and woke him and he headed over to stay with the boys (thank you, dad), gathered the last minute stuff and woke up Rich. We were in the car on the way to the hospital by 4 am. I hadn't slept at all, but was not even tired because I was so excited that I was hopefully finally in labor. So as we were driving I had a couple of contractions BUT...WHAT!!....they totally slowed down! Great:(! They went from 1-5 minutes apart to about 15-20 mintues apart. I was so bummed. We decided to just go in since my dad was there already and we were on our way. When we got there the nurse checked me and said I was dilated to a 3 but that I was still very closed. They had me on the monitor for about an hour. I kept telling Rich that I needed to walk and I knew that would help, but I had 2 nurses come in and tell me I had to lay there for 2 hours. The point was to get things going, not to waste time laying there. Finally my favorite nurse that shift came in and said I could go walk around. I was so motivated. Since I no longer had sciatic pain, walking wasn't so hard, so Rich and I started doing laps all around the labor and delivery floor. I got some really funny looks from some nurses, like "what is this big huge pregnant woman doing walking around so fast." I didn't care, I was going to progress the labor, even if that meant they would send me home and I'd be back the next day. Eventually, I think after an hour, I wore Rich out. Hehe. It was really late, so I felt bad, but I was just going off of adrenaline. So we went back and my nurse checked me again. She said I was now at a 4. As she was checking me I was literally pulling on her hand trying to make her stop, it killed! I mean seriously killed! And then all of the sudden she says, "did you just pee?" That's when I was sitting in a ton of warm water. I said no, and she said, "oops, that's not good, uh oh!" Yep, she broke my water on accident. Right before that happened Rich and I were planning on them telling us to go home and I think that's what the nurse was going to do since I didn't want to induce with pitocine. But she sped it up for us. So then I was moved to a delivery room (the last one...everyone after me had to share a room, I lucked out)! My contractions started picking up. Nothing too unbearable, but no fun either. I waited about an hour and then decided to get an epidural because labor and delivery was packed that night and the anesthesiologist was going to get busy. I didn't really need the epi quite yet, but didn't want to miss my opportunity to get it. Call me a wus. Anyway, I got epi and it relaxed me enough to allow me to finally fall asleep. I slept off and on for a couple of hours. Every time they would check me I was still at a 4! It was not progressing. I could still feel a lot of my contractions, but was trying to hold off on pressing that little bottom to give me more drugs. I didn't want to slow it down even more. My Dr. told the nurse to give me pitocine but she doesn't like giving a lot of that so she just gave me a very little. At 11:40ish a.m. I told the nurse I felt pressure so she checked me again and laughed and said, "wow, you are totally dilated! The baby's head is right here." So she called my Dr. who was at his clinic. Meanwhile she told me not to push and she basically sat there massaging the baby's head and kept him from coming out. I felt like I could give one push and he'd be out. I don't remember having that feeling with my other deliveries. This time I could feel a lot more. Meanwhile I had several nurses in the room preparing for the delivery and this one nurse in particular was so funny! She was cracking me up and started making fun of my Dr. (he's an interesting guy) and I was dying. I kept telling them to stop making me laugh because it was going to make me push the baby out. Anyway, it was fun. My Dr. got there about an hour later and baby was out with two pushes. So easy.
So finally my little mystery baby was laying on my chest and I still remember the warmth of his skin and it felt surreal. Up until that moment I was still not used to the thought that I was having another baby. I wanted this baby so bad. I hadn't had one in almost 4 years! He was finally here! Everything went smoothly. It was a great moment. Julien's deliver was absolutely spiritual and text book. Jonah's delivery was spiritual for a split second until they took him from me before I barely got to look at him and he wasn't breathing. He spent 5 days in the NICU and I even had to go home without him. It was the worst moment of my life as a mother and so hard. So Cooper's birth was a big relief because I was able to feel all of the sweet feelings and enjoy the moment and relax. I was so happy! And what a little cutie he is! He had me very curious for 9 months, but he's finally here!
I just want to add that I LOVE and respect nurses! They have an amazing job and they are so good at making you feel so comfortable in the most awkward situations. I was so happy to have great nurses for this delivery!!
Cutting the cord (sorry if this picture is gross to you). I've never gotten a picture of this before.
I love my little boy! I love newborn eyes and their sweet little curious looks!
As Cooper was off getting his stuff done, I was feeling pretty good. Rich left to get some lunch and everyone had left the room. They brought me lunch and I ate most of it. Then all of the sudden I felt so sick! There was no one in the room and I had nothing to throw up in. I didn't think I had time to call for the nurse either. And my legs were still numb from the epidural, so I grabbed an empty bag of chips next to me, and filled it up and then some, if you know what I mean. Hey, it's all part of my story. After that I felt dizzy for a few hours. Meanwhile my dad, Carolyn, Carolyn's mom and my kids came by to see the baby. I was so out of it. But it was good to see them. Julien was absolutely precious about seeing me and the baby. He was glowing. Jonah was excited too, but still in his own world.
They wheeled him in just in time for the visitors....
The ride home was so weird. The big boys looked sooo big. Jonah especially. In fact, over the last few days I'm noticing just how husky Jonah is! It's amazing to finally be home with our sweet baby that we thought would never get here!
Next post will be about Christmas Eve/morning, and some more pictures of the babe, and an update on how we are all adjusting.
Wow! I can't tell you how excited I was to see this amazing post update on your delivery experience and all the amazing pictures of your new baby boy, Cooper! First of all can I just say that he is one of the most beautiful newborns I've ever seen! Gosh, I thought he had to be a C-section baby because he was so fresh and alert. He is beautiful VAnessa!! Two, thank you for taking the time to share your deliver story. It got me so excited to hear all of your details and I am so impressed by how well you did!! Soooo happy for you guys and your little Christmas present:). Hope your body heals up fast and you get some sleep somehow soon:) Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!!!!! i LOVED reading every detail of your delivery. i just LOVED my labor and delivery experience with Liam so I am so happy that you had a good experience again this time. Cooper is BEAUTIFUL! just perfect. Sincerely a handsome, gorgeous baby! all 3 of your babies are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI am SO happy for you I cannot wait to see you again some day (hopefully soon) and enjoy snuggling and nursing your sweet baby! i love you!
I can't wait to see more pictures! Babies change so dang much when they are tiny... I want to see pictures of him everyday! I didn't realize there was so much security for newborns... which is GOOD, but scary and sad to think that someone would ever want to steal a baby:(
ReplyDeleteCongrats Vanessa!!! He is absolutely beautiful, and I love his name!! what a perfect Christmas present! I agree with the above comments, I love reading "baby stories", and I'm so glad this was such a wonderful experience for you. I really would love to come by and see you (and watch the boys so you can get a nap in ;) so let me know when I can come by!! Congrats again!!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute. He just looks perfect. I can't believe that nurse broke your water accidentally!!
ReplyDeleteWhoa! You're not a wuss! He looks like you. And I need some pictures of you! COngrats on your new baby. I love this time with a new baby! Enjoy it, and mark every minute you can! Love ya
ReplyDeleteHe is just so beautiful. I am so glad that everything went well and he is so healthy. I can't wait to come and visit. The days are going to drag until I can smoosh him. I love you guys.
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! MK and I were just wondering about you--I am so glad everything went well & that he is here safe and healthy!!
ReplyDeleteI have been checking your blog every day waiting for this one! Congrats! He is just a doll. Labor a delivery really is so amazing. You did awesome, and Dr. Is a dork to make you wait an hour.
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute, it makes me so excited to have my baby. Hope all is well.
ReplyDeleteWhere have I been! (moving) Congratulations! Cooper is ADORABLE!!! I loved reading your story, I laughed at you walking around the labor and delivery floor, cause that was totally me! practically running. I hope your adjusting well, and the boys are too. Can't wait to hear more and more. Nothing sweeter than a healthy baby.
ReplyDeleteoh vanessa! congratulations! what a cute lil family you guys have! oh i miss you! i wish i could hug you and each cute little member of your family! these boys couldn't have been born to a more wonderful set of parents! congrats! love you!