I didn't get many pictures from Christmas morning. I was so tired! This year just didn't feel the same because I had just had the baby and was so sleep deprived and out of it. But I could tell the boys enjoyed it so that's all that matters!
Later that night my dad and Carolyn and her mom came over and brought us dinner again! We are spoiled! The kids got some fun gifts from them; walkie-talkies which they are so cute with; Julien got new boxing gloves since his old one were thrashed; and Jonah got the blown up guy that they punch and he talks. Total boys stuff and they love it!
Adjusting to baby
I can't believe it's already been a week since Cooper was born. I can not even express how happy I am to have this baby! He is so precious and I can't get enough of him. The kids are adjusting well to him. They have been busy with Christmas toys and Daddy was home for a few days, and the past two days they've been at a friend's house. But they love their baby brother and are both very good with him. I'm sure they are frustrated with me that I am a lot busier with the baby around, but they seem to be quite happy about the baby. Julien loves holding him and Cooper is usually really content in Julien's arms. I caught Julien talking to Cooper while holding him the other day, and he was saying the cutest stuff to him. Too bad I can't remember what he said, but I remember melting over it. Rich and I are adjusting pretty well too. Rich gets a lot more sleep than I do (lucky!), but he is still tired because he has picked up a lot of slack for me, which I SO appreciate. He loves Cooper so much and I love seeing him with a baby again. As for me, I'm doing pretty good if I've been able to sleep. At night my hormones go insane on me. I guess I have postpartum depression because I read up on it, and I have some of the symptoms. I'm not depressed about the baby whatsoever. I'm quite obsessed with him! I just have moments of being so overwhelmed and emotional. I have a really hard time asking people for help, even though I'm trying to get over that. My friend Carol has been awesome and has helped me so much when Rich isn't around. I also have a lot of guilt right now because I feel like I can't be as good of a mom to the older boys (at least for right now). I know it will get better and easier as we all adjust and most of all as I get more sleep! I know my hormones are to blame so I'm trying not to beat myself up too much. I just can't wait until I feel more normal. I'm just so tired. And I'm frustrated because I'm still having pain from my epidural and wishing I never got it. I guess I expected my body to heal faster than it has. BUT I love this little angel I've been given and I know pretty soon I will start to feel better and be able to take on these new challenges easier. I am trying to cherish every little moment though and even though it's hard at this phase, I'm in no rush to get out of it because I love tiny little newborns! I'm so amazed every time I look at Cooper and realize I finally have my baby and he is just so precious. Anyway, I'm fine, nothing to worry about. Once we get on a better sleep schedule and my body heals I will be great!
Here are a bunch of pictures from the past week...
Love the new pics!!!!!! He is just so cute. It makes me miss him even more. I just need to cuddle. Thanks so much for posting the update. Oh and by the way you don't have p.p. depression, maybe the blues though. Hang in there for those hormone swings. Keep up the pics. He already has changed so much.
ReplyDeleteCooper is sooooo cute!!! I loved all the pics you posted! You are a lucky girl to have so many people near you right now that can help you. But get over that fear of asking people! It is a chance for others to do some service and you know you would do the same for them:)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! Cooper is so cute. I am glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. I am so excited for you and your new little addition to your family. Take care and have fun.
ReplyDeleteVanessa, he is so sweet! Looks like he is filling out well already too. Have fun adjusting to three it gets better, I promise!! And goes by way TOO fast
ReplyDeleteWow, you are amazing because you actually posted again already and that is with 3 kids and one of them being a newborn! I bet you are tired mamas and I so wish I lived nearby to give you a break here and there. I hope people continue to come alongside you and offer a hand when you need it most to get through this first rough phase. Your emotions are totally understandable cuz you just had a baby and hormones are flying right now. You are an amazing mama Vanessa. Hang in there and thanks for the adorable pictures of your boys:). Cooper is so smiley and perfect!!
ReplyDeleteYour family is so cute! i am so glad you guys are adjusting to the new little one. HOpe things are going great and you are doing well!
ReplyDeleteIs he smiling ALREADY! SO SO Cute! I felt the exact same way right after emma. I was so emotional, overwhelned by everything, I never thought I would go outside again! (and I only have two) But it will get better! It sucks the life out of you to give birth, you feel like a 90 year old woman trying to heal and take care of 3 little ones. Hang in there!! p.s. write down what Jonah and Julien say to Cooper, I love hearing their little stories.