Jonah has always been apprehensive about seeing Santa. We were hoping this year would be different. Although Jonah didn't show a bunch of enthusiasm to see Santa this year he didn't show any anxiety until it was his turn to go see him. Rich had to go up with him again. But there were no tears this time and no running away. He just wouldn't look at him! It was really funny. He brought a wooden dinosaur that he had painted to show Santa. He just sat there and chewed his gum and looked the other way as Santa tried to talk to him. Rich was trying to get him to tell Santa what he wanted. By the way, he upgraded his list from Cheetos to a cell phone. I love this video because Jonah was totally playing cool like he wasn't scared but it's obvious he was.

I just love watching my children experience all the wonders of childhood! I adore their innocence and belief! I have just as much fun being a parent during Christmas, as I did being a kid at Christmas! I can't wait until Christmas Eve; being Santa is the best!
Well, as they say, "I'm still around!" I thought for sure this weekend I was going to have him. I had a ton a big contractions and lots of cramping. I was also so fatigued, worse than ever. Yesterday I went to see my Dr. and I woke up feeling nauseous and crampy. "Yes! Today is the day," I thought. I could hardly sit in the waiting room with my eyes open, everything was spinning. While I was waiting a woman commented on how low I had gotten, and I asked if she had seen me before. She said she had and she didn't think I'd make it to my due date. So that pumped me up. I thought for sure the Dr. would give me some exciting news that baby was coming very soon. So finally I get to see the Dr. and as I was laying on my back and he was measuring and feeling my belly he said, "hum, you're still pretty high." HIGH??? WHAT?? Um, is he crazy?! I have a beach ball between my legs when I sit down for crying out loud! He asked how I was feeling and I told him how crampy I have been, etc, and so he decided he would check me. My dr. doesn't usually check his patients until 39 weeks because he doesn't want to aggravate anything. But he checked me and said I was very closed. (Sorry if this is TMI for you). Hum. I sat up and said, "so am I dilated at all?? He said, "no." Ugh. I wanted to shake him and say, "yes I am!" Jeepers. Not what I want to hear! So anyway, like I've said before, it's not my timetable. I think we got spoiled with Jonah because he came out at 38 weeks; so now 38 weeks is here and we are feeling overdue. I just have a fear that the baby will get too big and I will have to have a C-section. I'm so afraid of that, mainly because I can not, I mean CAN NOT, be in bed for weeks with 3 children and no help. Can you tell I'm having my end of pregnancy anxieties? What will be will be though.
I also wanted to give you all this website. My friend brought me over dinner tonight (love her!) and she gave me this website and told me to pick out the one I wanted as my baby gift from her (did I mention I love her?). Her friend in UT and her 2 sisters invented this thing and its gotten really big. I love this idea. Check it out!
And finally, for my own journal purposes, I wanted to take a picture of this sweet little ornament that Julien painted for his teacher for Christmas. When he was done he said, "Oh yeah, she's going to love this!" lol. I think he is right:)!
I LOVE your pregnancy talk. You are so funny! Try to relax and enjoy that little bundles every move. No matter how uncomfortable I was being pregnant and how much I loved feeling my babies in my arms there was a part of me that missed feeling every movement, hiccup and that close bond. Good luck we are thinking about you here!!!
ReplyDeleteugh! Is right! Som many things. I wish I could fly there right after you have that baby and help. Sorry you're miserable. I bet you'll go soon. Call me whenever you need anything!!! I want more pictures of you! That belly shot was cute, and alll...... but I want more silly girl! Please? If not for me, then FOR YOU. You have to have more pictures for you. Hey have you thought of a name? tell me!
ReplyDeleteHAHA You are too funny! I can just imagine how uncomfortable you must feel right now... the beach ball was a good visualization:) your kids are too cute. I wish Rich got your face in that picture! You've got to post more pregnancy pics on here!
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny. I love the santa pics. My nephews are too cute. I can't wait to meet the next one and of course snuggle him. Hang in there he should be out soon. Love you.
ReplyDeleteVanessa, remember, you can go from a 0 to a 5 in a matter of hours. I know it is depressing to find out you're not dilated at all, but it doesn't mean anything. You could be at a 3 for 2 weeks! Hang in there. I know the end is excruciating. Your body was made to do this. It all be over in a few weeks (or month!) Ha ha.
ReplyDeleteOne: I'm SO sorry that the baby is being stubborn and has not decided to get things rolling and give you some relief:( I can only imagine how ready I am going to be when I am as far along as you are!! I'll keep praying for you mamas. Very last leg!! Two: so cute to see your boys with Santa. You have such adorable children!! I can't wait to have Christmas with kids. I agree that they definitely bring the joy back into the holiday:).
ReplyDeleteOhhhh, I'm sooo sorry! That is the pits! With Brockston and Avrie, the end was the worst. I walked around being dialated to a 4 for 3 weeks. The good thing is before I even got to the hospital, I was dialated enough for an epidural. The bad thing was thinking I could go into labor any time and not doing it. I had to be started with the last 3. I prefer it actually! Hang in there! I soo know how you feel!