This Halloween, we told the kids that we were not going to spend money on costumes. We have a costume box from past Halloweens and they could chose from that or get creative. To my surprise, they were fine with that and even excited. Cooper was able to wear a costume that my aunt had given me. This firefighter costume was so cute! I should have taken a picture without the jacket on because the pants were overalls that were to die for. He was thrilled to wear it. Jonah picked out Julien's old pirate costume, and looked so cute! Julien put on some baseball clothes and had me do his make up to look like he got beat up. Rich wrapped up his arm to make it look like he had an ice pack on it. I thought it was funny how Julien was soooo excited about such a simple throw-together costume. He talked about it for weeks and by the time Halloween came and we put it all together, he "knew" he would win the costume contest at Dad's work! Sometimes kids are easier than we think! I'm not a huge fan of Halloween. I keep it pretty low key every year. I have one decoration; a wooden pumpkin that hangs on our door. I think I start to get anxious for Thanksgiving and Christmas and just want to get Halloween over with. I usually don't get excited about it until I see the kids in their costumes and see their faces light up with excitement and pride. It really is cute to see them feel so special in their costume!
This year, I made BBQ chicken sandwiches on rolls, and salad. We had dinner together as a family and headed out to our new neighborhood to trick or treat. Everyone starts early around here, when it's still light. But first, I had to get pictures, of course (insert Julien and Jonah rolling their eyes and groaning here).
Here they are:
Julien (above) was actually really mad at me here because they were over taking pictures and getting frustrated seeing all the kids walking by trick or treating. It kind of fit his costume though! And don't let Jonah's smile fool you either, he was just as mad, if not more. He told me next year I'm not allowed to take pictures (sorry Bud, not going to happen). They were so anxious to get going. But really, we were waiting for Daddy to get ready anyway. |
Our plans were to trick or treat around the neighborhood for a bit and then head over to a Halloween party at Rich's work. Rich came home that day and said his boss wanted him to dress up, so we threw together our "nerd" costumes. I tied a sweater around my shoulders and put on some glasses with tape on them, and called it good. Little did I know, Rich was in there, taking it a little further. I actually melted when I saw him. That hair! I secretly liked it. A lot. Jonah snapped this pic of us and we were off! |
Such a natural! |
Cooper loved trick or treating and tried hard to keep up with his fast brothers.
I took a few pictures at the work party with my phone, but I'm too lazy to upload them here. The kids had a blast though. We went on spook walk where they got to trick or treat some more. There was a glow in the dark putting green, a pie eating contest, food, movies, and a costume contest. Julien's dreams were crushed when they announced that all the kids were winners for the costume contest. :). He was so enthusiastic about that costume of his! Maybe I'll upload those pictures later.
The kids got way too much candy and everyone had a ball! Happy they had fun, and happy it's over! Next major event: a new baby!
I got on here to see if you had posted pictures of what you have done with the nursery. Adam was giving Rich a hard time about being dressed up but I am sure he was kidding. But you guys looked super cute!! :)