Monday, September 26, 2011

Some darn cute videos

I mentioned in a post below that Cooper can fake cry and laugh on command.  Well, I don't have him fake laughing here, but here is his fake cry.  I just love his cuteness!
The next video I filmed because it was Cooper's first time eating a lollipop.  I was a bit nervous about him choking as you can hear towards the end of the video, my freaking out, as he starts biting it.  Watching a little one eat hard candy makes me nervous.  Anyway, I lined them all up against the wall so that Cooper wouldn't walk around with it, and it worked because they sat there the whole time, and I was able to film them too.  I just love this video because it's my kids just being themselves and shows a little of their personalities; Cooper is looking so cute, being a part of what big brothers are doing; and Cooper looks so dirty and doesn't even match because I was totally out of clean clothes for him that day and resorted to swim trunks and a too-big-for-him tank top.  Gotta love it. 


  1. Love this! I love that they just sat there!

  2. Agreed Reese, how in the world did you get them to sit and be so good :-) So flippin cute. Love my boys!
