From a little Family Home Evening Lesson, our family's thankful tree. |
What am I grateful for? My list is long, but to list the ones that are heavy on my mind and heart right now; here they are (in no particular order)...
*A husband who works his butt-doody off for us, and often sacrifices sleep to do so.
*A husband who loves me and our children.
*My precious children who teach me so much and are alive and well. Their innocence, child-like faith, and
*Motherhood, and Heavenly Father's trust in me to be a mother.
*Parents that are still alive and love me.
*A super kind-hearted father who always treats me with love and does the same to all those around him.
*A sister who I can always call when I'm having a mental battle and need to talk to a female; or if I just need any kind of help; or if I just feel like chatting and we can talk about whatever and have a good time doing so. A sister who loves me and my family.
*A temple only a couple of miles from my home.
*The restored gospel.
*The Holy Ghost to help me know right from wrong; and to recognize truth; and to guide, protect, warn, and teach me.
*Forgiveness: to be able to be forgiven by God, and for those who I have wronged that have forgiven me. I'm also grateful for being able to forgive myself and others.
*My Savior, Jesus Christ, who has set the perfect example and suffered for me so I can repent, grow, and live with my Heavenly Father again.
*A Heavenly Father that gives me everything and always allows me to feel his love daily; and has created a plan of happiness and provides a way to be with our families for eternity.
*That my husband has a job.
*A home, with so many luxuries and things to enjoy and love.
*A body that works and allows me to do so much.
*The internet that has allowed me to learn so much; provides info. at my finger tips; helps me stay in touch with so many people; gives me a place to take a break from stress; a place to record family history and keep pictures; and has made learning easier.
*All of our family
*Friends that care and stay in touch.
*Nature and it's marvelous beauty, purpose, function, and use.
*Opportunities that have been given to us recently.
*The fact that it's starting to look more promising to move back to UT in just a few months.
*Music, specifically my mp3 player, that makes doing chores fun, late at night.
*All the lessons I have learned.