Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New School Year

We moved again (surprise!), and the boys had to start this school year at a new school.  Didn't seem to make them nervous though!  They were sad to leave their old school that they had made a lot of friends at, but I was so impressed with how well they embraced a totally new school.  Julien is in 4th grade!!  I still can't believe that!  Wasn't he just starting Kindergarten?  And Jonah, he started 2nd grade this year!  Seems like yesterday, he was my super shy child who was terrified to go to school.  Now, he runs out the door for the bus and doesn't look back.  Jonah got the best teacher this year.  She was my Relief Society president in an old ward, back when I was expecting Jonah.  I love her!  They are now over a month into the school year (slacker blogger mom), and making friends and learning a lot.  They need to slow this growing up stuff down!!!  It's too much for my mommy heart, but I sure am proud of the boys they are becoming!  Life is getting interesting in this phase.  I'm so glad I have a little one at home still ( and one coming in just 2 months!), but I am also enjoying this phase with having older children.  I love that our conversations are becoming deeper and I love watching them become more independent.  Feelings for girls are coming into play, although, "Like hello, Mom, no way! Don't even say that!"  Yep, it's happening and the lessons of friends and being a leader are in full play too.  They are learning so much right now, and parenting is an ongoing learning experience for me. I love being their mom!!
A few little facts about what these boys are into these day:

Julien:  Sports, sports, sports!  His favorites are baseball, football, and basketball.  He loves to golf and practice his pitching with Dad.  Julien isn't afraid to try new things.  He is the first to get out there and make new friends and put himself out there, whether he is new at something or not.  This kid can eat!  I feel like I'm raising a teenager.  He is a great brother, especially to Cooper, and still a sweetheart who loves people and is super in tune with his feelings.  Julien and I have very deep talks often and he always thanks me and showers me with love when we are done discussing something in depth.  I trust him and couldn't be more proud.  He is and always has been way above his age.  Going to the store is probably the thing Julien hates the most.  It's total drudgery to him and it drives me crazy, but love him anyway.

Jonah: Minecraft!  He is kind of a computer genius.  It's quite impressive.  He is more of a video game type of kid, although we really limit what kind of games he can play.  Jonah is coming out of his shell a ton.  He is becoming less shy and speaks out way more than he used to.  I love hearing him talk to his brothers and friends.  He's so animated!  He is super smart and does well in school.  Socially, he is coming along and it's been so fun to see.  He recently memorized and said his line for the primary program at church, and said it with confidence on the microphone in front of everyone!  Unheard of a couple of years ago, even last year!  He's still a crazy picky eater, but hoping this phase will end soon. ;/  Jonah loves to feel the baby move in my tummy and is so enthusiastic in his excitement when the baby kicks!  (Julien too).  Jonah loves to golf with Daddy and apparently, he is a bit of a natural.  I think Jonah wants to play sports but struggles with confidence to to try at times.  He's been shooting hoops in the neighborhood lately, and getting excited about it as he gains confidence.  So proud of how far Jonah has come!  Jonah's least favorite thing to do is definitely cleaning and helping around the house.  Not fun for him, but especially for the rest of us.  Making a check list for his chores seems to help;) though.

Love my boys!  Hoping they have a great school year with lots of growth!

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