Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last Day of School '13

This year flew by!!  I feel like I was just taking their picture on the first day of school and watching them walk to the bus stop together, but here we are, and it's summer vacay again!  The kids love their school and made lots of new friends this year.  They grew a lot, physically, but mostly socially and emotionally.  Jonah has become less shy and we've seen improvement in other areas emotionally that he was struggling with.  It's always great to see him grow and overcome fears.  We are really proud of him!  Julien just seems so grown up and "Joe-cool."  He is no longer my little boy.  He has big muscles and everything about him is just so independent and more mature.  It's bitter/sweet.  I miss my little Julien, but I love who he is becoming and it's so fun to watch him grow up.  He makes me proud!  Love these kids of mine!

I'm so excited it's summer and that I get to have them home every day!  The "I'm bored," "what can I eat?" and "what can I do?," statements/questions have kicked in, but we are enjoying summer and a more relaxed schedule.  I just wish it didn't go by so quickly!

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