He knew it too.
But staying on track with the title of this post...sometimes you just have to capture those sweet moments that melt your heart. Like this:
and this...
What is so special about these pictures? Well a couple of things. One, Jonah and Cooper fight like nobody's business. It's really because Jonah struggles to share and sympathize and understand that Cooper is much younger than he is (most of the time anyway). So when Jonah initiates this sort of affection, my heart melts like butter! And good thing I already had my camera out. Second, Jonah is wearing a backpack! Note, that it is right before bed, and he is fresh out of the shower. He has this new love for that backpack of his, and I think it's adorable. Jonah will be starting Kindergarten in a few weeks (well, I mean, public school kindergarten). More on that later.
He fills that backpack up with all kinds of stuffed animals, school work, a packed lunch, and he even wears it when we walk to the bus stop to pick up Julien. One time I looked back at him in the car and noticed he was hunched forward because he was wearing it in the car! I did make him take it off for safety reasons though; sorry bud.
...Jonah was feeling extra loving towards Cooper that night. I want to kiss them both right about now!
Then Julien, who was also fresh out of the shower, hence the flat hair, joined in the love...
Man, I love these kids.
And I sure love my camera, but obviously, I have no idea how to use it yet...
Sooooo precious. Soon I will get to smoosh you all!!!