Sunday, July 10, 2011

Brothers, Legos, and Storms

I need to start taking more pictures!  I have a tendency to get lazy about taking pictures but then when I do finally get my camera out, I end up taking a billion of a single moment.  Then I have so many pictures that I love from that one moment and can't choose which ones to share, naturally, I make a picasa collage.  And, yes, there were more where these (below) came from.  Anyway, here's a few random pictures from the past few days at home.
All of our baby spoons and small adult spoons were in the dishwasher that day, so I gave Cooper a big spoon.  There was something so cute about seeing a little baby, sitting at a big table, eating with a big spoon, enjoying some cereal with his big brother.  Also, Mr. Cooper just hates being in his high chair these days.  He will only sit there for a little bit and then starts standing up and throwing his food.  So most of the time he eats at the table, but it's sooo messy.  He does look cute though and he loves to feel like a big boy.  It seems like lately he is trying extra hard to be like his big brothers.  I can't get enough of his cuteness.  Having a little guy around is so much work, but it's so precious to watch him grow and learn and I have decided that I always want to have a little one around (for as long as I can)...then I hope to be surrounded by lots of grand babies (but that's a whole other post)!

While those two were doing that, Jonah was busy working on his Lego house. It really impressed us.  He was so proud.  I love him!!!

Today we had a storm come through.  Texas storms are loud and fun.  Here are my cute boys checking it out. 
And Cooper was especially surprised by the thunder...
Just kidding, this is the "funny face" that we have taught each of our boys to do as babies.  We told him to do it.  But he really was fascinated with the storm.  (and that green face of his is from his guacamole that he was eating minutes before:))

So not only do I need to start taking more pictures period (not on just one particular day) but I also need to take more pictures of my older boys!  I love them just as much, but there is something so fun about capturing baby expressions.  I'll do better though, I'm making it a new goal. 

Hope you are all having a great summer too!

1 comment:

  1. Those are so awesome! Cooper is getting so big. It makes me so sad that I haven't seen him in a year. :( Miss you, and yes, always more pics!
