Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sea World

Rich got some free tickets to Sea World from work (pretty cool, right!)! So we definitely couldn't pass up the opportunity! Our kids have never been to an amusement park before so they were very impressed and beg me everyday to go back. They went on their first roller coaster. Of course it was just a kiddie one but they went on it at least 7 times. Cooper was a total angel and did not fuss once until we got in the car, and then he fell asleep shortly after. Within minutes of being in the car all the kids were sound asleep. They had a blast! Jonah tries his hardest everyday now to get me to take him back. He still looks at the Sea World map and dreams of going on the big rides. I now use this to my advantage. When he cries about not being big enough to ride the big rides I tell him he will have to eat lots of healthy food to grow bigger. Anyway, it was lots of fun and totally exhausting with three kids, but definitely worth it. Oh, and the last time Rich and I were at Sea World was on our 1 year anniversary in Sept. 2002. We brought baby Julien with us (he was a couple of months old) and we dressed him in the same outfit that Cooper has on in these pictures (Cooper barely fit in the shirt!). It was weird to go back with now-3 kids!

Here is a little video of Cooper while at Sea World. He is just smiling away until he hears another kid cry and looks away with a concerned face, then goes right back to smiling.
P.S. I have a picture overload coming of my little lover boy (Cooper) coming as soon as I find the extra time.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful Chubba Boy! Smoosh those cheeks...Love y'all.
