My little Coop-man is just the best baby ever. He is so sweet! He smiles as soon as you make eye contact with him. He is so kissable and squeezable too! He is growing so fast. He recently started to say, "mama mama mama," as he cries. Julien and Jonah are still crazy about him too. Every time we get in the car they say, "I get to sit by Cooper!" Of course they both can't sit by him, so one of them ends up crying or getting mad. He is just such a joy and we all can't get enough. He is really fun to take pictures of because he gives the cutest looks. I decided to make some collages since I had so many that I wanted to share. Cooper still has a bit of a rash on his face and head so some of these pictures he looks a little greasy from ointment and the scratches on him are from his little nails (he scratches in his sleep). If this is not overload enough, I also finally took the time to teach myself how to make my pics larger...sorry if it's overkill.

Cooper has finally started to try to roll over. Is this baby huge, or what?! These next pictures really show off his chub!

Cooper is also working on another skill....sitting up all by himself.....(we practice on the bed to cushion the fall).

Yep, I could eat him!
Just chillin' before church....

Cooper is also an amazing example in our home....

Always reminding us to read our scriptures:).
I hope you enjoyed my most
gigantic post ever!