Rich and I are getting more and more excited to meet our new son. We have been busy getting things organized around here for baby. It's still 6 weeks away! Although yesterday when I was at Nordstroms the lady helping me told me I looked really low and asked how long I had. When I told her 6 weeks, she said, "oh, you ain't gonna go that long!" I look and feel huge. I am physically worn out and ready to have him; I am so excited to meet him and feel like I can't wait; but most importantly I need him to stay in as long as he can so he is healthy and ready. So what am I thankful for tonight?...I am just so thankful that I am having this baby during the holiday season! I love the holidays! There is so much to look forward to, and I love everything about the days leading up to the holidays! So I am thankful that I have this season to distract me from the day that seems like it will never get here; delivery day! Just something Rich and I were talking about today...but I'm truly thankful for it! We are looking forward to watching tons of Christmas movies, decorating the house, and making goodies! I think with all that going on, these next 6 weeks should fly by! And if not, oh well, I'm so excited it's this time of year again!
um... pictures of you please!!!!!!!