Well, it's time for Jonah to be potty trained. I've put it off because I dread this and I didn't want to chance it and train him too early and it not work. So I am really hoping he is ready now. He just started after we got home from an appointment a half hour ago. I prepared over the last couple of days for this, doing laundry because he will probably be peeing through a lot, getting myself organized so I will be able to focus on him for 1-2 weeks (hoping it won't take longer than that!).
I made him a sticker chart for when he goes....

Got the little potty ready for him...

So this is Jonah with his big boy underwear on.

Getting used to underwear...

And trying to take them off...

He is just posing in these pictures...see, his underwear is still on...and actually, so far (because I've been interrupted 3 times now for him to go potty-while writing this post) he would rather stand up and pee than sit down, which makes for a gross mess do to his lack of aim.

Picking out his first sticker...
He's proud!

Since I started this post, he now has 4 stickers on his potty chart. He is still dry (it's only been about 40 minutes...but still!), and he is very excited! His potty sings songs when he goes and lights up, so it's like a new toy to him! I am half excited but half anxious about all the messes I will be dealing with over the next while. But when it's all done, it will be well worth it and no more diaper changing! It's hard to believe both of my boys are getting so big! Wish us luck!!!
I cant get over how cute he is in his "man pants" :) Good luck, and let me know how everything goes, I am sure I will need all the pointers I can get when its that time!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck. I would be worried to place him on any furniture just in case he has an accident. Keep us posted on how it goes.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck Vanessa- I'm sure this will be an adventure! I like the toy potty though, thats pretty cool :)
ReplyDeleteGood job Jonah!! Cute undies pics. Whatta stud! I dread potty training, too. It takes a level of patience that I don't have and I hate cleaning up the messes that go along with it. Good luck :)
ReplyDeleteWow! Good for you! My only boy, Brockston is 3 1/2 and finally has the hang of it. I have 2 girls older than him and they were much less lazy than him. I found that Brockston just didn't care if he was wet or messy. Hence the timing of the training. It's nice that you have already done a boy so you knew what to expect. Also, it's easier when you aren't nursing a baby. I couldn't just stop and run to the bathroom with him! So this should go smooth for you! Lucky!
ReplyDeleteawwwww, you are doing a great job with potty training..I'm excited about the potty and the chart and I'm 25!! I wish someone had done that for me;) Good luck to you Ness!
ReplyDeleteway too go, jonah!! i dread potty training, too! it is such a messy commitment...kind of like marriage! just kidding! it's tough though! good luck!