Wednesday, July 2, 2008

1,2,3 & already FOUR!

Julien on his 1st birthday...
...2nd birthday.......3rd birthday... my baby already 4?!! ...4th birthday... The highlight of Julien's birthday (for him this year), was the birthday hats. He has been talking about birthday hats for about a year now. Whenever anyone would ask him what he wanted for his birthday, the only thing he would say was, "I want cupcakes and birthday hats for all my kids." He got his wish! How simple...this may be the last year that his wishes are so inexpensive! We love Julien so much. We are so grateful that he has been with us for 4 happy years now! It's so unbelievable how fast time goes by! I could go on and on about my love for Julien, but I already did that in my journal, so I'll spare you all. Happy 4th birthday, my baby, (okay...sniff, BIG boy)!


  1. I remember my mom and I visited you after you had Julien. I can't believe he's already four! Hes such a cute kid and I can tell he's a sweet heart too! I want birthday hats for my birthday too!

  2. Happy Birthday Julien! I love the picture of his 3rd birthday, he is such a cutie pie...tell him I think his hats are pretty cool :)

  3. Love that kid- I wish we were there to help celebrate. Hope he had a great day.

  4. wow already four! that's crazy!!! i remember when he was born!!! time flys!!!
