(1.) Mom- "Julien, you are such a good boy!"
Julien- "You better believe it!"
(2.) Mom or Dad- "You are so smart!"
Julien- "Yeah, I know! You can say that again!" (He's so humble).
He says "you can say that again," after many things we say, and it's so funny because it's always at the perfect time....he just knows right when to say it!
(3.) The other day Julien got sent to his room. He kicked the door and screamed his head off and was yelling, "get me out of here! I don't want to be in here!" So when I took him out and started talking about his behavior and what I expected of him, he said this, (with a really sly look on his face).."Yeah, I think you're right, Mom. Yeah, you're right. Okay, Mom, I trust you." It is so hard not to laugh when he does this because his facial expressions are too funny. He doesn't take anything seriously, he just tests out his acting skills on us constantly. His favorite thing is to memorize lines from a movie and then try them out in real life. So everytime he can fit a line in, in a real situation, he takes full advantage!
(4.) If we allowed Julien, he would watch movies all day long and not get tired of it. But we don't. So he waits for a time that he feels he could probably get what he wants, and says in the sweetest voice with the most innocent face, "Daddy, would you like to watch a movie wit (with) me?" So, he presents it in such a way that if we say no, we will be letting him down. Sometimes we give in, and other times that sweet innocent boy quickly turns into a sullen teenager (mixed with a temper tantrum).
(5.) A couple of days ago I asked Julien to do something and he responded with, "hum...on one condition!" He then followed that up with his condition. I wish I could remember what it was exactly, but I was so blind sided by what he said. Where did he get that!?
Now, on a sweet note, Julien has gotten a lot better at saying his prayers and really thanking his Heavenly Father for everything. The other day Jonah threw up all over Julien's bean bag chair. It was late and we were trying to get the kids in bed, so Rich put the bean bag on our back patio to wash later. (It's still sitting there, I need to hose it off and sanitize it...sick, I know). Anyway, Julien was saying the prayer for our family before dinner the other night and after a huge list of all the things he was thankful for (his family, the food, t.v., ect.) he said, "and thankful for my bean bag that has throw up on it." That's the point in the prayer where we let out some chuckles and Rich and I open one eye and look at each other and smile. He really is grateful for his blessings and we love to hear him pray.
Yesterday I had a headache and he said, "well, Mommy, I can give you a blessing." So he took my phone and pretended to unscrew a lid and pour a drop on my head (like it was oil). He placed his hands on my head and said, "Dear, Heavenly Father, I'm thankful to give Mommy a blessing. I'm thankful for blessings. I love Mommy. Help her feel better. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." Then he kissed my head and said, "Do you feel better, Mommy? I love you so much!" I wanted to cry. He is so tender and sweet at times. He is learning about blessings now and it's so precious to see him copy his daddy.
One last story: today I took the kids on a walk and on our way home, Julien was looking at my wedding ring. He told me he liked my ring and I told him that Daddy gave it to me when we got married. He said, "Mommy, I want to get married at the temple. I want to take you to the temple and wear my church clothes when I go. And I want to hold your hand when I take you to the temple, okay Mommy." Yes, it melted my heart, and I did explain to him that he will get to find a girl when he is big like Daddy to marry and take to the temple.
There is always a new story to tell with him. He can be oh so clever and oh so sweet. We sure love him!

Oh my gosh your little boy is so precious. I loved the stories that you shared. When your little boy gets older he is going to be harlaious. I can't wait for Kellen to start talkig, which I thought he would be doing by now. He just turned 18 months today and he only says moma and dada when he wants to. and even then Only Preston and I can understand him. But he gibber gabbers all day long, but no words. when did you boys start talking? well, it sounds like you have alot of fun with your boys.
ReplyDeleteOh that is so stinking cute! You are obviously such a good mommy! It's weird for me to imagine my little one talking like that! I love hearing all your stories. It's good you're writing them down too.
ReplyDeleteHey Vanessa and Rich! Ben and Shakirra Dohm from Camarillo. We see you are doing well. What adorable boys you have! Hope to hear more from you.
ReplyDeleteHey Vanessa! Man it's been a long time! CRAZY! Your family is so cute! I'm excited to check in on you every now and then! Take care beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI know Julien is smart, but that is just beyond what any kid is supposed to be saying. Unbelievable! He is such a blessing to our family! He wouldn't be like that if he didn't have you as a mom! Way to go Vanessa!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite pictures are the ones with you in it. You're the best and I love you tons!!!
ReplyDeleteHey there!! Of course I remember you!! It has been a long time. I'm glad you found me!! :o) How the heck are ya?? Things have been a little on the crazy side for me but getting better everyday!! You're little family is SOOO cute!! I love reading your blog!! We definitely need to keep in touch. My new email address is grneyedgal78@msn.com. Hope you're having a great day and I will chat with you soon!! :o)
ReplyDeleteWow- he is such a special little guy. He's going to make some girl very lucky some day :). I better hurry up and have a kid and hope its a girl!