Thursday, March 27, 2008
We have a birthday....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bad Luck?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter (Saturday)

Here are Julien and Jonah on the way to the park. As you can see Julien is thrilled and can't wait! Jonah on the other hand, desperatly needed a nap and was trying to rip his Easter basket apart the whole way there!
(Above) This is
one of the views from the park, overlooking the community that we live in.
More gorgeous views.... from the park!
(above) My favorite shot of the day!!! I love the colors in this picture and those cute kids!!
Another cute one!

(above) enjoying the view...Rich's grandpa, aunt, and grandma!
Easter Egg Hunt!....

We ended the day flying kites. It got pretty windy by then, so it was perfect! Julien loved it and I love these pictures of him and Daddy....

Okay, so this is it! I'll get Sunday's pictures up later today or within a couple of days. Bye for now:)!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
While I'm on the subject of embarrassing Rich, I might as well tell you a few other stories about him dreaming since we've been married....he talks in his sleep.
Story #1: One night Rich woke up and said loudly, "Where are the ladies?!!" I was sleeping, but awoke pretty alert, so I responded, "WHAT LADIES?" And he said, "The ladies with the samples?" He later claimed it was something to do with work...weird!
Story #2: I rolled over one night and I think my foot barely touched his leg, and he went from a dead sleep to sitting up, jumping out of bed, ripping our sheets off, screaming like a girl, yelling, "there's a spider in our bed, get out!!!!!!!!" I said, "Babe, it was just my foot!" He felt dumb.
Story #3: One night I woke up to Rich springing up to a sitting position, pointing his finger and aiming it at a moving object ( moving it in a semi circle around our room) and yelling REALLY loud, "WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WOHAAAA!" (It kind of sounded like a machine gun). I sat up fast; it scared the bageebees out of me at first. Once I started cracking up, he woke up and looked at me with a blank stare and went back to sleep.
Story #4: Rich had a very rough week at work last week and the stress was pretty high. He fell asleep on the couch early that evening and later when I woke him to come to bed, (he was still asleep) and said, very seriously and mad, "I'm telling you now...WHAT did you DO with our money?" It was almost scary how he said it, but it was hilarious because I knew exactly what he was talking about (and talking to for that matter). If you know that recent story, you'll think that's funny.
Well, sorry to bore you with dream stories...it's always more fun when you are half asleep and there to see and hear the whole thing! Sweet dreams.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Clever little guy

Thursday, March 13, 2008
I've been tagged!
Well, I've been tagged, so here I go with my little survey. My husband will be rolling his eyes at this post. He thinks these things are so lame...silly husband; they're fun!
1.Where were you ten years ago?
In high school, wishing I wasn't! Probably working, hanging out with friends, and wishing I had a car!
2. 5 things on my To Do List:
Dishes, laundry, read, get ready for bed, sleep!
3. Things I would do if I became a Millionaire...
Pay off all debt! Go on a vaccation for once! Get my hair done and replace my whole wardrobe! Do some good things with it! Invest some.
4. 3 Of My bad habits....
*Back seat driver (but I'm getting better, don't you think, Rich?)!
*Popping a zit or bug bite on my husband or kids (it's a serious problem and it tempts me beyond description)!
*Eating after I'm already full (but I am working on that too)!
5. 5 places I have lived...
Camarillo, Somis, and here. (3 towns, but MANY different houses and a couple of apartments)!
6. 5 jobs I have had...
Ahem..Burger Barn :), Evan's Pest Control, Hot Dog on a Stick, gymnastics coach, and now my favorite job....a "Mum!"
7. Something people don't know about me...
I'm probably not the typical sweet, gentle mom. I can be gentle and sweet to my boys and I am most of the time, but I like to wrestle, play superman, and get down on the floor and tickle them like crazy. Whenever I am doing that I feel so boyish, but, what can I say...they LOVE it, it's fun, and I was raised by my dad! I also talk in a really weird voice when I get wound up with my kids and they run from me when they hear it, because they know it means I'm either going to smother them with kisses or tickle them. Besides Rich, the only ones who have heard it is my dad and my sister...because, yeah, I used to talk to my cat like that. Sometimes I talk to Rich in that voice and he blushes...haha, well, he tells me to stop, but I tease him and keep on talking! I realize I'm weird, but my kids like their weird mom, okay.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Oh, 2 year olds! Or should I say, "Oh, Daddy!"
and take some pictures....

Monday, March 10, 2008
Recent happenings
I cut 6 inches of my hair off. I really needed to get it colored too, but since we are a bit pinched for $ right now, I just cut it. And guess how much it cost me? $3!! I went to the hair college here in town and was happy with my $3 makeover. Here is my new look...

Rich and I went on a date! This is something that we have neglected for quite some time now, but we are committing to going on a date at least once a week. We didn't get to go last Friday, because the kids were sick, but I'm looking forward to going out with him again. It's so fun and VITAL to a marriage!Thanks, Hun, that was fun! (We are goofy looking too)!
Russ (Rich's brother), Serenity, and Brecken came to visit for a day. That's always fun. Here we are at Olive Garden...This is a fun group of people. This is all our family that lives near us (minus Russ and Ren, Rusty and Kari's kiddies). We had a good time and ate too much. I love my in-laws!
Last but not least, Jonah turned TWO! Wow! My baby isn't a baby anymore. We felt bad because we didn't have much of a birthday celebration for Jonah this year. We will next year! The night of his birthday Rich and I took the kids to dinner and frozen yogurt ( a special treat for us!!!). We were going to try to get all the cousins together while Russ and Ren were down for a party at the park, but that didn't work out. So five days after his birthday, and feeling really guilty for not taking pictures of him blowing out candles or anything, I made him a cake and some cupcakes. Mommy, Daddy, and Julien sang to Jonah and he indulged in his chocolate cake. Julien was lovin' it too! So here is Jonah blowing out his candles, (five days late).....