I haven't been taking many pictures lately, even with my phone. I think mostly because every day is about the same right now. I'm not complaining though. I'm growing a baby and I'm so fatigued. Cooper and I stay home everyday. Our van broke down and I think we are going to wait a bit to buy a new one, instead of pouring more money into our current one. So for now, we are at home all day, everyday (besides when we have Rich's car to run errands) so we get to snuggle a whole lot. I go a little crazy being home this much, but I'm also okay with it because, like I said, I'm so tired, and I'm loving this time with Cooper, and getting my house in tip top organized shape for baby. This stage of pregnancy is always a bit strange for me. I'm at that point where I'm so uncomfortable physically, I'm not sleeping well at night, and all the anxiety of "wait, how do I take care of a newborn again?" sets in. I remember feeling so nervous when I was expecting Julien (my first). I didn't know how to nurse, how to bathe a baby, burp a baby, would I be able to sleep at night and not worry...etc. And then he came and my love took over and I knew just what to do. Funny how that works. But even more weird that even after 3 babies, I still feel that way again. I think my hormones are just going crazy and that's why my emotions are a bit up and down during this stage. I have felt like this with all of my pregnancies. It's like being in limbo to sum up the feeling. We are sooo excited though! Adding a new personality, a new little spirit, new face in the home and family...oh there is nothing like it! I'm 35 1/2 weeks now, so not far to go. Besides resting, organizing/cleaning, and soaking up my family, I am busy reading up on labor and delivery and trying to prepare mentally for that. I'm hoping this time around will be an entirely different kind of experience in that department.
And for a quick update on everyone else:
Rich is working hard and being extra helpful at home (cha ching!) He is really excited about the baby.
Julien is displaying teenage attitudes but is still a really good kid overall and growing way too fast! He lives for sports and knows way more about them than I do.
Jonah is doing great at school and becoming less and less shy. He is always rubbing my tummy and can't wait for the baby.
Cooper talks non stop. He also goes and goes all day long. He is seriously the most loving child I know. He is helpful, obedient, and extremely affectionate 99% of the time.
How did I get so lucky?! This year has been one of challenges; and at times I thought it would over take me, but things look bright again and I am feeling so very very blessed. My family and the gospel mean everything to me and I feel fortunate I have both.
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." C.S. Lewis
"No matter what resentment tells you, to forgive is always in your favor."
"Keep trying. Keep Believing. Be happy. Don't get discouraged. Things will work out." Gordon B. Hinckley