The first week of Summer vacation, we had a family reunion for Rich's Mom's side of the family. It was here in St. George, Utah. It was a fun-filled weekend and it was so good to see everyone. Here are some of my fav. pictures from that weekend.
Cooper at the Washington Rec Center. He sure liked that baby bouncer swing. |
Our cute niece Hallie, looking quite precious. |
Rich got very giddy in that lazy river (you can't tell, but yes, it's a lazy river). Jonah loved it too! |
Julien passing by in the lazy river. He thinks this place is the coolest place ever. |
Jonah loving that snow cone! Thanks, Uncle Oscar, for treating everyone to ice cream from the ice cream truck! |
Our cute nephews enjoying their treats. These are Julien's and Jonah's BFFs. |
I like this picture because, well, for starters, they are both super cute. But something about Taylor's adorable curly hair/sweet face and Cooper indulging in that cute polka dot push up, does it for me. Oh, not to mention, these two are pretty sweet together. |
What I love about this one is Hallie's pigtails and Cooper chasing her; and both of their expressions. |
Here we are in our matching, "I'm the Favorite" shirts. We were missing a lot of family at that reunion. Wish everyone could have come. "I'm the Favorite" is an old joke that this cute family has always said to each other. We were missing Grandpa and Uncle Tim (Barbie's hub) for the pictures because for some reason they took off to Mesquite or Vegas that day??? They showed up after the pictures were taken, so that was kind of a bummer. |
Here is Grandma and Grandpa Wilken. Not the best picture because it was taken from far away, so I had to crop it. Uncle Chuck took this one in hopes to photoshop grandpa into some of the other shots that were taken before he got there. Their blue shirts said, "The one in red is my favorite." |
This was from the last day of the reunion. We were missing a few of the kids that had gone home already. Here they were singing "I am a Child of God." We had a good lunch that day, followed by some games of "Simon Says," basketball, and finally a talent show. Lots of talent in this family! |
Until next time!