Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Last night I finally took the time to upload pictures from my camera.  I haven't taken pictures of the kids for over a month! Bad mommy!!  This morning I made Cooper a green smoothie and he climbed up with Dad to drink it. Then he moved onto Dad's orange juice.  Now that I finally have room on my camera for new pictures, I had to take some!  I absolutely love watching Cooper drink from of a straw.  He's been doing it for months now, but I finally got some pictures.  He was being so cute and serious and calm this morning.  Oh, I love his sweet precious face and puffy baby arms and hands. 

I know, picture overload of Cooper.  That's just what I do with a kid this cute. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My new blog

I started a new blog.  It's not just about the Harrington Family.  It's allll mine:).  Take a peek and maybe even become a follower!  The Harrington Family blog will still exist and be updated as well.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to follow our blog

CLICK HERE to be alerted every time we update our blog.  This link will explain.  Being a follower of this private blog will not update you, so you will have to click on the link (just this once) to see how you can follow us!  Thanks.  Don't forget about us just because we are private:)!!:)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Julien and Jonah's Room

At last, I finished their room!  When we moved into this apartment, we decided to separate the bunk beds since the room was big enough.  The thing I don't like about bunk beds is it's sooo hard to wash the sheets often from the top bunk and it's hard for them to make their beds too.  I also found some super cute ideas online for displaying artwork and for bookshelves.  So, I got to work to give them a room makeover!  Originally, I called up my dad and asked him if he would be willing to help me build some book shelves for the kid's room.  He was willing.  With Rich's schedule, there was no way we'd ever get around to making these together, and my dad is pretty handy with wood.  I had several options that appealed to me. What first inspired me to make bookshelves that would display their books better were these rain gutter, bookshelves.  But once I found some other options like this I thought I would rather go with wood.  That one was super cute, but with the space I had to work with, they didn't quite work; plus, that one looked a little more difficult to get the books out of...but definitely cute!  I also knew with that one, my dad would be doing most of the work, and in my older age, I don't like waiting around for things.  So finally I found this idea and decided I could do that all by myself!  By the way, if you did take the time to glance at that last site, it said, $20 at the top.  Well, she wasn't talking about per shelf, but total for all the shelves she made.  She had a few more supplies laying around her garage than I had, so it cost me a little more.  But over all, it cost me a little over $5 to build each shelf!  Not bad at all.  These are actually called "picture ledges" and can be sold for $10 per shelf for the small ones, and $20 for the longer ones.  We are pleased with how they turned out.  The whole reasoning behind them was to encourage more reading.  When books are on a typical bookshelf it's easy to forget about certain books and easy for them to make a mess searching for certain ones. There is something about seeing the front of a book that makes it more tempting to pick up.  So they are working out nicely and being used just as we had wished.  The idea I fell in love with for displaying their art work was this.  Found at Ikea.  The online store doesn't carry them and we don't have an ikea here.  I did find some on Ebay if you are interested, but after shipping (for two sets), it was going to cost me $60.  So nope, as cute as they are, I just couldn't justify that one.  I then found this idea from, still expensive, but gave me the idea to make my own.  So for a few bucks, I made these (seen below).  All supplies bought at a craft store.
Jonah's side

Julien's side (yes, we are actually allowed to paint in this place.  But since it's just a rental, we only painted this one wall in the whole house).

I love children's books!

Instead of getting side tables, I just made some smaller shelves.  The lamps are great for bedtime reading!  What I really wanted was wall mounted swing arm lamps, but hello, they are SO expensive!  These lap desks (on the floor) were Christmas presents and have also come in handy!

Ta dah!! I am proud that I tackled all of that on my own, and super relieved I'm done with that room and don't have to think about it anymore!  I think I'm tired of projects for now!

Happy 5th Birthday Jonah!

It finally came!  Jonah's 5th birthday!  He still can't believe it himself. Everyday he says, "I just can't believe I turned 5!"  Turning 5 has been a good thing for Jonah.  He is the most stubborn out of all of our kids and turning 5 has motivated him to try some new things lately. It's been nice.

To celebrate his birthday, we went to the Children's Museum.  He had never been there before so he was super excited.  Julien had gone there for a field trip for school, and told Jonah ALL about it!  While Rich and I were trying to get ourselves, everyone, and everything ready that morning, Julien and Jonah were going nuts-o in the living;  they could not contain their excitement.

Before we left we gave Jonah his birthday presents!
One of the things Jonah got was the movie "Oceans."  They watched it in the car on the way to the Museum.  They love it!  I still need to watch it, but the parts I have seen are so pretty!
We weren't trying to hide Jonah, he just didn't feel like taking pictures that day and insisted on standing behind the stroller.  He just wanted to get in there!

This is when we first walked into the museum.  Cooper was just taking it all in.
Mini market.  The kids loved this.  It's so cute and fun!
To die for CUTE!  (The boys and dad were in a science lab at this time, learning about density, and unfortunately I couldn't get in there to get pictures of that).
I know, picture overload!  Then, we went out to Chili's for dinner because Jonah has been dying to see what it looked like in there, lol. 

Happy 5th Birthday Sweet Jonah!  We love you!!!