Today I had my first ultrasound. They told me I was 14 weeks and 4 days along! That means my new due date is Christmas Eve! This should be an interesting Christmas! I asked the nurse to try and see what I'm having, even though I knew it was too early to really tell. She finally got the baby to uncross it's legs and said, "well, from the look of this, it looks like it might be another boy." Surprise! Now, that doesn't mean it is for sure a boy, but I'm counting on it. I laughed the whole way home thinking about it. I know it's not for sure, but seriously, we just don't make girls. I already feel so out numbered at home, and it's only going to get crazier. I love my little boys and I can't wait to have that baby boy in my arms! I will admit, I am a little bummed that I my girl may never come. But we will see. Rich is still hopeful that it is a girl, but I'm just telling myself it's a boy. Anyway, it was so fun to see the baby move. He waved his little hand and his measurements looked great. That made me happy and it always seems more real when you get an ultrasound. My sickness is starting to get so much better! I am starting to eat more and be disgusted by less food; but I can't say I'm totally back to normal yet. Can't wait for that cause I love food (normally)! Here are the pictures I got back. This baby has a Jonah tummy! I love it!!! I am that much more excited now!

P.s. Julien's birthday post is coming soon; I'm waiting on some pictures from my dad first.